the seeker's guide to twisted taverns anyflip

A riddle! The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns (Spoilers ahead) If the target hits anwhich it uses in combat. While only average height, this human its symbol, they will become aware of it. A number of the tables have a cluster of magic pipes displayed in circular cases. A painted wooden screen separates a large with spinel (750 gp), and an ebony idol (of a goddess ofplush bed from the rest of the room. Alen TrismysOperatorsPrim, aka Knuckles, Verity Billett & Raivo Sevara Evening Verity Billett takes up her stage, Raivo Sevara, BishelWhat Happens noticeably flinching after seeing Voss, Lord Almanor,At the GMs discretion, at least one day after the player Lord Gammon in the audience. If the die is rolled and lands on a 20, a fortune other visitors.appears behind the glass. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns is a collection of fantastical taverns that can be used in any 5th Edition setting.But make no mistake, these aren't plain-old, Inn of the Prancing Pony type taverns. Artifacts can be soldto Urma Oogleback.Roll Encounter Text Items1 You notice a strange and unusual plant in bloom. Hammond Axman, Ryman ThornAfternoon and Bishel VossEarly Evening Lord Almanor places a pricey request with Somen Gilrona. Guest Rooms These guest rooms vary in size, with larger rooms accom- this process, they risk introducing an impossibly invasive modating up to four additional guests. Trackle walks with a limp, and are fuzzy, but he heard the details goblins and another cave-in.does not speak unless spoken to. Beingquietly and asking visitors about their experiences. It looks easily transportable.5 The hilt of a weapon protrudes from the ground and can be easily pulled free. This ornate control panel confounds even the brightest of individuals. Go that way! He points off vaguely to the right. No portion of this work other than the material designated asNahuel Insua, Noel Hansson, Ona Kristensen, Paulo Loveranes Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without writtenGalamgam, Tijana Jankovi, Wesley Phua, Yara Abril permission.Cover Art: KmeProduct Design: Matthew Witbreuk, Martin Hughes, Simon The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 2021, Eldermancy LLC. Five stools sit in front of The Bar, though drink (Roll 1d6, and on a 3 select a flying creature from theservice is available throughout the Main Hall (A2). to talk Raivo the bartender into free or special drinks.6. She then returned to her room via the same route the life of a vagabond, urchin, or refugee. Trying to steal the self-playing instruments Tender. It has two additional arms that protrude from risks invoking the attention of the ethereal guardian, its back, and it wears a top hat (animated headwear) as the instruments will create loud noises in panic. MimicsAnyone with a Passive Perception of 12 or higher will note that the constant sounds of birds and other small wildlife isabsent. Creatures in contact with the material slowly burn, taking 2d4 acid damage every hour they spend inside. This delusional constructwith an outsider in her youth, but has long since given spends its time smoking in the Parlor (C1), deepening itsup on fulfilling her end of the deal. It wears long blue robes and a large hat, both of whichdrinks under in the Main Hall (A1). Eldermancy's The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns Review Inside each room is an empty desk, Fibbona Chicken within the hour that it is laid. She has brown hair, a num- Raivo Sevara ber of freckles, and is decently plump (Never trust a skinny cook, she likes to say). Admindium makes one attack with its Impaling Arms.throws against spells and other magical effects.ActionsMultiattack. in, as well as anything coming in from the Omasum.If touched, the walls give slightly to the touch but are The gelatinous cubes are too busy at their job to attackimpervious to damage. Any character who drinks this cocktail will feel a more than the sharp tang of steel. Eldermancy LLC in no way condones or supports alcoholic beverages to be consumed in excess and urges all consumers to drink responsibly so not to cause harm to ones self or others.2 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsContentsIntroduction2 Ch 7: Treetop Tavern.100 Ch 13: The Dungeon of Darkness..204Ch 1: The Wizards Watering Hole4 Introduction. 101 Introduction. 205Introduction.. 5 Areas of the Tavern. 101 Areas of the Tavern. 205Areas of the Tavern.. 5 The Taverns Guests. 109 The Taverns Operators.. 207The Taverns Operators 7 The Taverns Operators.. 110 The Taverns Guests. 215The Taverns Guests 11 Menu 112 Menu 216Menu.. 14 The Quest Board 114 The Quest Board 218The Quest Board.. 16 Events.. 116 Tavern History 219Tavern History.. 17 Tavern History 116 Stat Blocks 219Stat Blocks.. 18 Stat Blocks 117 Ch 14: Teapot Temple220 Introduction. 221Ch 2: Rail-Away.20 Ch 8: Spring of Peace118 Areas of the Tavern. 221Introduction 21 Introduction. 119 The Taverns Operators.. 223Areas of the Tavern 21 Areas of the Tavern. 119 The Taverns Spirits. 229The Taverns Operators. 26 The Taverns Operators.. 124 The Taverns Guests. 229The Taverns Guests 28 Menu 126 Menu 230Menu.. 30 The Taverns Guests. 128 Events.. 232The Quest Board.. 32 The Quest Board 130 Tavern History 233Events. 34 Events.. 132 Stat Blocks 233Tavern History.. 36 Tavern History 133Stat Blocks.. 37 Stat Blocks 134 Ch 15: By the Frost234 Introduction. 235Ch 3: Wildaback Tavern.38 Ch 9: The Grand Shanty.136 Areas of the Tavern. 235Introduction 39 Introduction. 137 The Taverns Operators.. 237Areas of the Tavern 39 Areas of the Tavern. 137 The Taverns Guests. 241The Taverns Operators. 42 The Taverns Operators.. 140 Menu 244The Taverns Guests 48 Menu 146 The Quest Board 246Menu.. 50 The Taverns Guests. 148 Tavern History 248The Quest Board.. 52 The Quest Board 149 Stat Blocks 249Tavern History.. 54 Events.. 150 Ch 16: The Tavern at Deaths Door..250Stat Blocks.. 55 Tavern History 151 Introduction. 251 Stat Blocks 152 Areas of the Tavern. 251Ch 4: The Bloated Bounty.56 The Taverns Operators.. 253Introduction 57 Ch 10: The Drunken Treasure.154 The Taverns Guests. 256Areas of the Tavern 57 Introduction. 155 Menu 258The Taverns Operators. 60 Areas of the Tavern. 155 The Quest Board 260The Taverns Guests 65 The Taverns Operators.. 157 Events.. 260Menu.. 66 The Taverns Guests. 163 Stat Blocks 261The Quest Board.. 68 Menu 164 Ch 17: The Daydream..262Tavern History.. 70 The Quest Board 166 Introduction. 263Stat Blocks.. 71 Tavern History 169 Areas of the Tavern. 264 Stat Blocks 170 Menu 274Ch 5: The Dancing Horse..72 Tavern History 276Introduction 73 Ch 11: Fungal Grotto172 Stat Blocks 277Areas of the Tavern 73 Introduction. 173 Ch 18: ExtrasThe Taverns Operators. 75 Areas of the Tavern. 173 World Travelers.. 278Menu.. 80 The Taverns Operators.. 175 The Critic. 278The Taverns Guests 82 The Taverns Guests. 178 The Gambler 279The Quest Board.. 83 Menu 182 The Old Lady.. 280Tavern History.. 84 The Quest Board 184 The Seeker 281Stat Blocks.. 85 Tavern History 186 Emit William Saps, the Tinkerer.. 282 Stat Blocks 186 The Three Hexbound Sisters.. 282Ch 6: Poor Larrys.86 Trail Seeker (Card Game)284Introduction 87 Ch 12: Ironstein Mine..188 Map Index..286Areas of the Tavern 87 Introduction. 189 OGL Licence.320The Taverns Operators. 89 Areas of the Tavern. 190The Taverns Guests 93 The Taverns Operators.. 191Menu.. 94 The Taverns Guests. 197The Quest Board.. 96 Menu 198Events. 97 The Quest Board 200Tavern History.. 98 Tavern History 201Stat Blocks.. 99 Stat Blocks 202The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsThe Wizards Watering Hole4 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsThe Wizards Watering HoleStanding three stories tall and surrounded by dancing lights and illusory spectacles, The Wizards Watering Hole beckons any and all outsiders to visit. Any character who drinks the axe will be filled general sense of well-being and will lose with confidence and receive +4 to any Charisma 1 level of exhaustion. The_Seeker_s_Guide_to_Twisted_Taverns_PDF. Recursos Humanos. Emed never seemsmost of his time in the Main Hall (A2) and is always there to sit still and can be found walking the balcony and shoulderwhen a show is being performed. These stone golems are bouncers, guards, and protectorsHe serves as the receptionist and bouncer for the tavern of The Wildaback. If the flying emperor monkeys detect the party first, they will immediately attack.44 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsWildaback Tavern6 You find yourself in a large, roughly circular clearing with a burrow of some kind. Lord Gammon seemsto an abrupt halt, accompanied by the ear-numbing very bossy, while his wife seems quiet. delivered to is quite close to the station. She reveled in captivating crowds en masse, Considering his job to be above the rest of the employeeswhile Tav and his subordinates robbed them blind. 1d4 Otter 0Further investigation will reveal a periapt of health caught in the reeds on the ponds edge. her own alibi by snoring loudly in her bedroom. 2a. Most troupes that perform here use illusion magic for sets rather than props. Meat Too Good The guardians in The Rifting (C4) are currently fighting two ghosts that appear identical to two of the Quest Giver: Thrag the Devourer party members (or two of the taverns other guests). Comfortable leather barbell that can be rung for service. An additional six staff are engaged asalso knows the cantrips mage hand and minor illusion, which servers and work in all of the entertainment cars of thehe learned from his elven mother. This effect lasts for 1 hour. While the rooms arent large, they arecomfortable and clean, and all feature unmatched views. If The Cow is killed or freed, Thrag will attack If the party follows the instructions, Olin Wiscard will the party once they leave the tavern. Several Rail-Away staff including Kogan, Brandr, and Prim, rush to help calm and Certain events can occur at the GMs discretion load the horse. The door is protected to the text under the Taverns Operators section. Anyone who has traveled the leads to the engine itself, which is powered by a firetrain before knows not to be caught out without buying elemental and a number of steam mephits, all controlleda ticket. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end ofeach of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. their existence. On the Rail-Away, the industrial crew have decided to offer both! On have to offer. He years. This addition is primarily designed for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, but also functions as a huge collection of inspiring rooms, characters, and more! Somens fast-paced proficiency to smoking out of a small pipe when the rooms lesswith her knives (and her cute little stool) are a means of populated. They act as a person for Halaster to talk to on the PA system and bounce dialog off of. In addition, using the ladle downstairs and deal with the cheater. It is top of the room empty into this chamber from themuch smaller than the Rumen (E1) and feels quite tavern. looks like fish meat begin to appear in the mixture. The answer: Cheese If the Administrator is asked about the history of the The best among me is not known by you. Every creature inside The toilets are flushed by pressurized water from the 8 the room becomes blinded and deafened for 1 minute. He only recently left his small villageHe has cuttingly high cheekbones and long blonde hair tied in order to find himself and has been wandering withoutback in a ponytail. There are two suites in each carriage, the entire back end of the carriage, surrounded by ironwhich each include a private washroom (toilet, sink, railings with spear-shaped finials. Quest-O-Nomicon: Quintessential Collection $ 164.94 $ 99.99 Topped with various spices, each bite will be a confusing mix of a flavor youve never tasted, and just chicken. Approaching close enough, uniform, as if grown to resemble architecture.especially during a grazing period, the party should findthe lift currently lowered. throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itselfShortsword. If a creature consumes this, their move- locked metal door. The word Omasum? is written near one. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns is a wondrous collection of taverns and inns, all with varying scales of fantasy. Aside from these papers, the following items can be found:D3. Bathroomapplications to various wizard colleges. Thewhich it burns to ash. locked with unique locks that Admindium has the keys toThe entirety of this floor seems much more advanced and on its keyring. If the Quest Board once both Lord Almanor and Lord Gammonparty manages to save the tracks in time, Brandr will add are aboard, preferably the second day after they board. As you watch, a family of otters breaks the surface, splashing each other as they play. Here, Qinlar Ravengleam checks guests into the tavern and maintains order.A1. If a player character visits the Cosmotarius for longer Powerful divination magic continually projects images of than an hour, they will experience a feeling of great the cosmology of the universe on the inside of the dome. The cause of death is clearly poison.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 35RAIL-AWAY stash, just in case Trackle needs some escape funds. with a surge of strength and receive +3 AC. If a character attempts to sit or otherwise use a piece of the furniture, the mimic will attempt to grapple them.Note: Once the mimics have been discovered, if a character has eaten from or viewed Chef Sarphis menu, they may recallthat mimic is one of the dishes offered. The contents of this book are meant to beand items contained therein are referenced throughout creatively inspiring, and are built with the intent ofthis book.There are also several mentions of creatures letting players and creators mix their own ideas withfound in the first of Eldermancys books, Stibbles Codex of the stories.Companions. Communicating with Admindium the spirit will reveal that it loathes violence and petty disputes, and itThis alien creature resembles a spindly purple humanoid expresses great pain when dealingwith six boney appendages that protrude from its back. Glazed Duck Breast - 3 gp Toad in the Hole - 5 sp Pan-fried duck breasts drizzled in molasses, served with roasted figs and spiced rice.Bite-size sausages baked in a black pepper batter and served with caramelised red onion marmalade and Jugged Hare - 3 gp apple sauce for dipping. The menu is often seasonal, with fresh ingredients picked upfrom different stops along the way. Each creature of Admindiums choice thatis within 120 feet of Admindium and aware of it must succeedon a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1minute. Thrag is passionate about during the players visit. Verity does, but not before enlisting As a variant, at the GMs discretion, other passengers the help of Raivo Sevara, who uses his skills to create a or staff may choose to join the fight depending on their cocktail (the Foggy Mind, whose effects are detailed during current relationship with the party members. She wears comfortable but sturdy leathers and often tries to make something described by the patrons whoquite often has vines or leaves stuck in her hair. All the toilets on the beasttents, with the main difference between rooms being the have create water gems installed with a pull cord. Cargo / Livestock Car be cracked with a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation)This multi-purpose carriage is one of the smaller of the check. Alen would very much like to be rid of this While charmed this way, targets are entirely entranced by the troublesome guest, but has never made a move on his own.performance, gaining the Blind and Deafened conditions. This way, it always creates new forests for itself to eat while waiting for old ones to regrow.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 39Wildaback Tavern A2. Amaru isbrown hair, hazel eyes, and well tanned skin from working always looking for a new drink to put his own spin on. The and Bishel Vossred herrings) are: words Youll regret it if youGuests dont are heard.Lord Tavarious Gammon, Lady Ulume Gammon, Esthene,Moonshadow, Lord Darus Almanor, Somen Gilrona, Bishel Afternoon Prim asks Tarmo Warberry if there Somen Gilrona andVoss, Trackle, Hammond Axman & Ryman Thorn is room for another staff member. Bees constantly buzz from flower to flower. It is harmless; it has 10 AC, 5 hit who was captured by wizards during their adventuring days. He is in charge of all the standard sleepermore vulgar terms. Lord Almanor, Bishel Voss, Lord If found later in the bar trash, it reads I need you to work your magic during dessert. diversity. Alongside the same side of the carriage as the bar is The entire carriage has an open plan, with tables of an open area used for entertainment or dancing. The only thing of This sectioned room features avalue is a scroll of identify buried under the papers. A creature can Die Type d20 d12 d10 d8 d6 d4 use these pipes to cause mind-altering effects. His mostpronounced feature is a scar that runs across his forehead. Once aopting to spend his time chatting amiably with the tav- proud soldier of fortune, he found work on the Rail-Awayerns guests or studying history and languages. Each table has an irregularly shapedcircumstances, such as taking on a quest for tavern staff. She carries her dark wispy Since then, he has tried to learn more, but with little in a ponytail and wears a simple but clean linen shift inthe Gammons livery colors. (Esthene Moonshadow). Until this grapple ends, the creatureis restrained. Cothadius Barethamule Ulrich Magnes A flesh golem, Cothadius believes itself to be a great wiz-A female half-elf cult fanatic, Ulrich can be found several ard. Quest Giver: Kogan Hamfist, Head Porter If the party meets with Dretin Dalmura, the drow willKogan Hamfist has been receiving troubling reports of explain that she is uncomfortable going out in the sunlight,possible cheating in the gaming car, mostly in certain Poker but needs an important package delivered at the nextgames. He was the first O ne on either side of the main stone arch in the Mainhire on The Wildaback, and helped assemble some of itscurrent structure. The chairs and tables are unable to leave the tavern, and will lose their magic if forcibly taken. S itting at various tables are the other patrons, listed in the Taverns Guests section.The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsAre all gods avatars of the same force? vests, and tailored trousers. over it which seems to stare straight into the soul of the drinker. all of the staff of the Rail-Away, but very motherly towards Prim in particular, as she knows the little goblins entire history. Hammond crooked merchants. He keeps hissold Lord Gammon the forged patents of nobility. THE CROWNThe slight rocking motion of The Wildabacks stride givesguests the impression that they are riding the waves, and The Crown sits atop the head of the Wildaback andthis is most present in the Saddlebags. Dretin wears a hooded cloak, possibly to conceal thority figure on the Rail-Away as well as its ticketmaster.her heritage from prying eyes, or to protect herself from Anyone who underestimates Knuckles does so to theirthe sun. in this declaration. The floors are all plain wood, has significantly simpler (though still comfortable)and some areas are noticeably damaged by the livestocks decorations and furnishings. general with no restrictions. She can sit at the bar. 1 +2 Dagger 2 +2 Longsword-After this has been encountered more than once, reroll on a 5. The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns Includes: 17 total taverns ranging from levels 1-20 perfect to incorporating into any 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign Tavern Operators and guests to introduce to your party to encounter in a tavern brawl A unique Quest board for each Tavern with a range of adventures for your players to choose from The Reticulum came through, a number of small waste pipes near theBeyond the membrane is the Reticulum. The target can repeat the savingshe will pull from at the start of combat. The I come from cloven parent, Seeker coaxed Admindium into repurposing the structure Then worked for ages yet. Unless the purpose of the tavern as stated in the Tavern Historywizards are set free, Admindium has very little interest section. The Dealers The TenderThe Dealers are detailed in the Casino (C2) section. eyes downcast. Lending to the imposing and there is a chance that the player characters mayaura of the bar is Amaru, the muscular dragonborn encounter such creatures snacking on the produce.bartender. Olin Wiscard Thrag visits The Wizards Watering Hole because he lovesA male human commoner, Olin is an aspiring wizard. Every time the player characters explore it, the GM can either roll 1d20or select an encounter from the following Encounter Table. Bartender Insights: Brandr knows that Raivo is annoyed by boring Tarmo uses the mage statistics but also knows the spells conversation about the weather, but he enjoys talking about Veritysalarm and unseen servant. Perception of 17 or higher will notice there is a strange symbol burned into the leather. Her comparison. It is equipped withconstructs will replace them 1d4 hours later. If the Dealers outcome is less than the players, the player wins the pot.

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