texas gulf sulphur insider trading

1964) (Trust company alleged to be a participant in a fraudulent scheme whereby loans were made to plaintiff by [888] a factor who converted the stock when it was pledged as collateral for the loan. The specific SEC allegation in its complaint is that this April 12 press release "* * * was materially false and misleading and was known by certain of defendant Texas Gulf's officers and employees, including defendants Fogarty, Mollison, Holyk, Darke and Clayton, to be materially false and misleading. The final question to be answered is: were these officers and employees disqualified as the result of possessing information gleaned by the first drill core from purchasing TGS stock? Stock Exchange Regulation, Hearings before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 73rd Cong., 2d Sess. In 1942, lawmakers adopted the Rule 10b-5 in the Securities Exchange Act 1934 to allow its prosecution. (8) As to Darke, as one who passed on information to tippees, we reverse the dismissal of the complaint and remand, pursuant to the agreement by all the parties, for a determination of the appropriate remedy. Timeline: A History of Insider Trading - The New York Times Postcard Railroad Train Texas Beaumont TX Gulf Sulphur Company - eBay To go further than this, as [868] Professor Loss powerfully argues, Securities Regulation at 1785, would totally undermine the carefully framed limitations imposed on the buyer's right to recover granted by 12(2) of the 1933 Act. See Pettit v. American Stock Exchange, 217 F.Supp. Wanting the knowledge requisite to making our own appraisal of the significance of the core, we must depend upon the experts. Michigan Business & Entrepreneurial Law Review [Vol. at 295 (emphasis supplied), that the draftsmen "exercised reasonable business judgment under the circumstances," 258 F.Supp. To hold that such a statement incurs 10b-5 liability is contrary to the intent of Congress in passing 10(b) and settled judicial construction. A definite statement "to clarify" was promised in the future. Since I believe that the findings of the trial court are solidly founded and should be respected, I agree with its decision as to Crawford and Clayton. For example, the company had spent some $7,000,000 to purchase an underwater dome off the coast of Texas and an additional $1,000,000 to drill 21 holes before concluding that there was not enough sulphur in the dome to be of commercial interest. This seems to me easier on the facts but harder on the law than it does to the majority. They contend, however, that their purchases were not proscribed purchases for the news had already been effectively disclosed. LEGAL INSIDER TRADING | The Lawyers & Jurists If the SEC had appealed the ruling dismissing this portion of the complaint as to Holyk and Mollison, I would have upheld the dismissal quite apart from the special circumstance that a refusal on their part could well have broken the wall of secrecy it was important for TGS to preserve. Assuming arguendo that the information was material, those not in top management have no duty to disclose to the directors information already reported to their own superiors since they may reasonably assume that the information has been conveyed to the directors on the stock option committee. Fleischer, supra, 51 Va.L.Rev. Court decisions Much of the development of insider trading law has resulted from court decisions. SEC Enforcement on Insider Trading and the Dark Web Some witnesses who testified at the hearing stated that they found the release encouraging. In 1971, S.E.C. The objective of protecting a corporation from selling securities to insiders at a price below their true worth [878] is fully served by requiring nondisclosing insiders to abstain, not from accepting the stock options, but merely from exercising them an event likely to occur after the inside information has become public. ), cert. 598 (S.D.N.Y. 3 Loss, op. This Day In Market History: Texas Gulf Sulphur Company's Mineral Strike David Pajcin Insider Trading Scandal - 2190 Words | Studymode 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 and the SEC appeals from the remainder of the decision which dismissed the complaint against defendants TGS, Fogarty, Mollison, Holyk, Darke, Stephens, Kline, Murray, and Coates.[6]. 724 (E. D.Pa.1966) (Brokerage house liable to plaintiff if it failed to supervise adequately one of its employees who allegedly was guilty of "churning" or excessive turnover in plaintiff's account.). 78r) and criminal ( 32, 15 U.S.C. Throughout this litigation TGS has supported the legality of the actions of all the defendants the company's counsel having represented, among others, Stephens, Fogerty and Kline. 1340, 1364 (1966). . In an enforcement proceeding for equitable or prophylactic relief, the common law standard of deceptive conduct has been modified in the interests of [855] broader protection for the investing public so that negligent insider conduct has become unlawful. Hindsight, however, is not the test. Held: sufficient allegation of fraud under 10b-5); Brennan v. Midwestern United Life Ins. Is ESG a Trade Secret? - The Texas Lawbook This is the old version of the H2O platform and is now read-only. See Fischman v. Raytheon Mfg. Before insiders may act upon material information, such information must have been effectively disclosed in a manner sufficient to insure its availability to the investing public. Under the current insider trading regime in the United States, stiff penalties1are imposed for a crime that has never been defined by statute or regulation.2The principal statutory authority for insider trading liability is section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which prohibits the employment of "any manipulative or deceptive The trial court based its opinion largely [871] upon the lack of materiality of such exploration results as were known between November 12, 1963 and April 9, 1964. While the alleged fraudulent acts were committed before plaintiff sold his stock (he had not at the time of suit), he was about to be forced to sell his part of a single fraudulent scheme.). Generally, in order to assess the probability that the event will occur, a factfinder will need to look to indicia of interest in the transactions at the highest corporate levels. On April 8 TGS began with a second drill rig to drill another hole, K-55-6, 300 feet easterly of K-55-1. REGULATING INSIDER TRADING THROUGH TEXAS GULF SULPHUR James D. Cox* ABSTRACT Data summarized in the opening of this article document shows that in- . No. 1383, 73rd Cong., 2d Sess. They call it "a major factor in determining whether the K-55-1 discovery was a material fact" and say that this "virtually compels the inference that the insiders were influenced by the drilling results." 1961); Royal Air Properties, Inc. v. Smith, 312 F.2d 210, 212 (9 Cir. When and how are promising results to be disclosed. But even he did not act on the belief that the second press release had in fact reached the market, see 258 F. Supp. What's Insider Trading? In so holding, they confuse the inducing motive of the individual purchaser with knowledge of material [877] facts which ought to be revealed to the public at large. Finally, 15(c) (1), (2), 15 U.S.C. He added, however, that it "is a natural thing to buy more stock once they give you the first drill hole." The testimony was unanimous that no estimate of "magnitude" could be made. I concur in Judge Waterman's reasoned and thorough opinion and in the court's disposition of the instant appeal. As to the sufficiency of the news release, the first issue would be what constitutes a "reasonable" investor. What Is Insider Trading And Why Is It Illegal? - YouTube Several other samples verified the findings. SMU Law Review Even this procedure would not suffice if future events should prove the facts to have been over or understated or too gloomy or optimistic because the courts will always be ready and available to substitute their judgment for that of the business executives responsible therefor. Therefore, the statements in the legislative history applicable to the reporting and disclosure provisions have no bearing on the correct interpretation of 10 (b). Jun 2013 - Jun 20152 years 1 month. 78j(b) and Rule 10b-5 and remand, pursuant to the agreement by all the parties, for a determination of the appropriate remedy. 262, at 292-296 (SDNY 1966). 1966); United States v. Schaefer, 299 F.2d 625, 629 (7 Cir. 78j reads in pertinent part as follows: 78j. These regulations vary across countries, but generally require disclosure of such information and impose penalties for violations. List v. Fashion Park, Inc., supra at 462, quoting from Kohler v. Kohler Co., 319 F.2d 634, 642, 7 A.L.R.3d 486 (7 Cir. This is unfortunate because it has resulted in 10(b) being given a construction and significance which, in my opinion, Congress did not foresee and did not intend. Coates, however, placed his call no later than 10:20. 2 of SEC Act, 15 U.S.C. denied, 394 U.S. 976 (1969). Question 2. Beyond this, a rule imposing civil liability in such cases would work directly counter to what the SEC has properly called "a commendable and growing recognition on the part of industry and the investment community of the importance of informing security holders and the public generally with respect to important business and financial developments." Obviously if such a resumption were to have any meaning to such "tippees," they must have previously been told of K-55-1. at 288; his defense was rather a belief that the law required him only to await its issuance. The drilling done to date has not been conclusive but the statements made by many outside quarters are unreliable." 13 (1934); S.Rep.No. Daily progress reports of the drilling of this hole K-55-3 and of all subsequently drilled holes were sent to defendants Stephens and Fogarty (President and Executive Vice President of TGS) by Holyk and Mollison. Rule 52(a) should be given particular weight where expert testimony must of necessity play an important role. 1964) (Corporation allegedly defrauded into issuing securities to its President through the failure or refusal of some of its directors fully to disclose to the remaining directors material facts concerning the transactions or the financial condition of the company); Bredehoeft v. Cornell, 260 F. Supp. 78i provides that it shall be unlawful for any broker, dealer or other person to create a false or misleading appearance of activity in the market for a stock or to attempt to affect the price of a stock by certain specific manipulative devices. 168 (1953), that cannot be done without an appreciation of the illegality of the conduct proposed to be excused, cf. The rumors of a major ore strike which had been circulated in Canada and, to a lesser extent, in New York, had been disclaimed by the TGS press release of April 12, which significantly promised the public an official detailed announcement when possibilities had ripened into actualities. 249, 255 (1973), citing Texas Gulf Sulphur, 401 F.2d at 854. Against this factual background, what position should have been taken by those few officers and employees of TGS [875] after they knew of the core, K-55-1, and the reports thereon made after visual inspection and analysis? The only remedy the Commission seeks against the corporation is an injunction, see footnote 26, supra, and therefore we do not find it necessary to decide whether just a lack of due diligence on the part of TGS, absent a showing of bad faith, would subject the corporation to any liability for damages. 91,317 (N.D.Ill. The statute as enacted requires that the fraudulent scheme be "in connection with the purchase or sale of any security." The evidence of the actual effect of the release on investors was at best inconclusive. The text of the article was approved by Mollison in Timmins on April 15th. 262 at 280, in the sense that the materiality of facts is to be assessed solely by measuring the effect the knowledge of the facts would have upon prudent or conservative investors. Sec. After a slight decline to 16 3/8 by Friday, November 22, the price rose to 20 7/8 by December 13, when the chemical assay results of K-55-1 were received, and closed at a high of 24 1/8 on February 21, the day after the stock options had been issued. All the information that was available upon the completion of the drilling, November 12, 1963, was contained in a core (denominated K-55-1) which was visually examined by Dr. Walter Holyk, Chief Geologist for TGS, and by Kenneth H. Darke, a TGS geologist. Once it had been established, however, that an aggrieved buyer has a private action under 10(b) of the 1934 Act, there seemed little practical point in denying the existence of such an action under 17 with the important proviso that fraud, as distinct from mere negligence, must be alleged. 1271 (1965), both of which are cited in TGS. Scores of day by day intra-company situations come to mind which in the individual opinions of company officers or employees might well affect the price of TGS stock, each individual reacting according to his own judgment. Also by 7:00 A. M. on April 13, K-55-6 had found mineralization to the 946-foot mark. While we certainly agree with the trial court that "in retrospect, the press release may appear gloomy or incomplete,"[28] 258 F. [863] Supp. The District Court characterized the press release as an accurate portrayal of the situation as it was known at that time. Moreover, the formal announcement could not reasonably have been expected to be disseminated by the time of the opening of the exchanges on the morning of April 16, when Crawford must have expected his orders would be executed. Corp., 188 F.2d 783, 787 n. 2 (2 Cir. A corporation may itself violate Rule 10b-5 if it engages in fraudulent activities in connection with a merger or other transaction involving securities. L.Rev. 808, 823 (E.D.Wisc.1962) (dictum), aff'd, 319 F.2d 634 (7 Cir. Graded Quiz Unit 5 - Opening the Gates to Higher Education - Studocu Despite rumors in the Canadian press that TGS had made a major discovery, Lamont had advised Stephens "that TGS should take no action unless the rumors reached the New York press or until TGS had sufficient information available to issue an appropriate press release." See Ruckle v. Roto American Corp., 339 F.2d 24 (2d Cir. at 296. The court below found: "There is no evidence that TGS derived any direct benefit from the issuance of the press release or that any of the defendants who participated in its preparation used it to their personal advantage." One of the most famous instances of insider trading was Charles F. Fogarty's purchase of Texas Gulf Sulphur shares during 1963 and 1964. [17] The effective protection of the public from insider exploitation of advance notice of material information requires that the time that an insider places an order, rather than the time of its ultimate execution, be determinative for Rule 10b-5 purposes. An even more striking illustration would be found within the structure of a large pharmaceutical company where discoveries of panaceas to cure human disease occupies the workdays of thousands of scientists. 1937). This result undoubtedly "excited the interest" of the TGS exploration team. 78j(b) and Rule 10b-5. Stephens, Fogarty and Kline stand on an altogether different basis; as senior officers they had an obligation to inform the Committee that this was not the right time to grant options at 95% of the current price. Several brokers testified that they interpreted the release as affirmative and encouraging. of Policy Research, SEC, Frank E. Kennamer, Jr., Asst. The essence of the Rule is that anyone who, trading for his own account in the securities of a corporation has "access, directly or indirectly, to information intended to be available only for a corporate purpose and not for the personal benefit of anyone" may not take "advantage of such information knowing it is unavailable to those with whom he is dealing," i. e., the investing public. d. pay secrecy Feedback The correct answer is: insider trading. 182, 98 L.Ed. The Commission can also obtain injunctions to enforce compliance with the disclosure and other provisions of the Securities Exchange Act ( 21, 15 U.S.C. 16(b) of the Act. Finally, Coates, as we have already indicated in fn. (2) Was the TGS press release of April 12, 1964, false, misleading or deceptive within the meaning of Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 in the light of TGS' then knowledge and the then existing factual situation. Only a relative handful of holes has been completed since the discovery hole but on the basis of seven tests either completed or drilling it can be stated that a strike length of 600 ft. minimum has been established, showing an ore width of roughly 300 ft. which has been traced so far to a maximum vertical depth of about 800 ft. Texas Gulf Sulphur Co. was a landmark of the jurisprudence of insider trading in the United States. Congress has made it clear in the other antifraud provisions of general application that its concern was not with allegedly misleading corporate publicity but rather with purposeful schemes to deceive and defraud the public by means of manipulative and deceptive devices which directly involve purchases or sales of securities. This requirement, whether it be termed lack of diligence, constructive fraud, or unreasonable or negligent conduct, remains implicit in this standard, a standard that promotes the deterrence objective of the Rule. Obviously, a subjective approach presents difficulties. See id. Query, as to whether twelve witnesses (akin to a jury) should be required and would a seven-to-five count be acceptable or would ten-to-two more accurately reflect public opinion? The article also stated that the richness of the copper was so great that the core was flown out of the country to be assayed and that four more drill rigs were scheduled to start working the following week. cases. (Great American brief, pp. Co., 339 U.S. 605, 70 S.Ct. A offerings under the 1933 Act): Item 8(A) (b), 1 CCH Fed.Sec.L.Rep. I, Form 1-A, Reg. [28]Examined in retrospect, the situation in Timmins at the time the release was prepared seems to offer good reason for optimism. 8:403. . Orison S. Marden, White & Case, William D. Conwell, Edward C. Schmults, P. R. Konrad Knake, Thomas McGanney, Peter G. Eikenberry, New York City, for Texas Gulf Sulphur, Fogarty, Mollison, Holyk, Darke, Stephens, Murray, Huntington and Kline, for Crawford and Clayton. This means you can view content but cannot create content. Later, on March 16, he helped prepare a letter for Dr. Holyk's signature in which TGS made a substantial offer for lands near K-55-1, and on the same day he, who had never before purchased calls on any stock, purchased a call on 100 shares of TGS stock. The approach has led, in many cases, to doctrinal uncertainty, a result that is reflected in the recent . However, the importance of this case to the corporate and financial community centers around the news release, its timing and its content. Stephens immediately contacted Fogarty at his [845] home in Rye, N. Y., who in turn telephoned and later that day visited Mollison at Mollison's home in Greenwich to obtain a current report and evaluation of the drilling progress. [29] Since none of the parties has raised the question, I assume the continuing vitality of Ruckle, despite what have been regarded as contrary intimations in O'Neill v. Maytag, 339 F.2d 764 (2 Cir. Thus 12(a), 15 U.S.C. at 282. 715-17 (3d ed. H.Rep.No.85, 73dCong., 1st Sess. (3) As to Mollison and Holyk, as recipients of certain stock options, we affirm the dismissal of the complaint. On the other hand, a Canadian mining security specialist, Roche, stated that "earlier in the week [before April 16] we had a Dow Jones saying that they [TGS] didn't have anything basically" and a TGS stock specialist for the Midwest Stock Exchange became concerned about his long position in the stock after reading the release. Insider Trading in India-an Analysis of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow United States of America was the first country who introduced the laws on insider trading, immediately after their market crashed during the Great Depression. Moreover, comparisons of Section 10(b) with the antifraud provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 ( 12(2), 15 U.S.C. Of course subsection (c) is a catch-all clause to prevent manipulative devices. The foregoing discussion demonstrates that Congress intended to protect the investing public in connection with their purchases or sales on Exchanges from being misled by misleading statements promulgated for or on behalf of corporations irrespective of whether [861] the insiders contemporaneously trade in the securities of that corporation and irrespective of whether the corporation or its management have an ulterior purpose or purposes in making an official public release. 4, supra, said to have received "tips" from them, purchased TGS stock or calls thereon. The derivation of Rule 10b-5 is peculiar. [15] Even if insiders were in fact ignorant of the broad scope of the Rule and acted pursuant to a mistaken belief as to the applicable law such an ignorance does not insulate them from the consequences of their acts. (9) As to Coates, as one who on April 16th purchased stock and gave information on which his son-in-law broker and the broker's customers purchased shares, we reverse the dismissal of the complaint, find that he violated 15 U.S.C. The inference is therefore inescapable that the Court felt that a reasonable investor would not be misled by it. 1963); SEC v. Capital Gains, etc., Bureau, 375 U.S. 180, 193, 84 S.Ct. Texas Gulf Sulphur ( 1968 ), in which the federal appellate court governing Wall Street found that corporate insiders had illegally traded when they bought more stock in their mining company after learning of a probable find of substantial mineral deposits, but before the information was publicly disclosed.

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