subduing the spirit wrath of the righteous

Verily, Thou art the Ruler of the heavens and of the earth. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous / Characters - TV Tropes Blessed, then, be God for this most exalted, this all-encompassing grace! Thine is the power to command; Thou ordainest as Thou pleasest through Thy word Be, and it is., 16 O Maid of Bah! O ye that dwell within the pavilion of inviolable sanctity! [Lich Mythic 5] Stuck on " Subduing the Spirit This is the Day whereon the rushing waters of everlasting life have gushed out of the Will of the All-Merciful. This is one of the days of Thy Rivn Festival whereon a servant of Thine hath extended an invitation to the Manifestation of Thine Essence and the Revealer of Thy Sovereignty, and hath decked forth a place in the prison to receive Thine all-glorious Beauty, O Thou Who art the Lord of earth and heaven! Every hidden thing hath been manifested through the power of truth. 6 A lightning glance She cast, as piercing as a shooting starhow wondrous Her glance, how wondrous indeed!. So concludes what Levi considered to be his testament, his most important and final treatise, and a summation of his esoteric philosophy. Maybe you need to walk around a bit. 2 And, lo, the flame of rapture caused all souls to swoon away. How wondrous a thing, how wondrous indeed! 20 At this announcement the dwellers of earth and heaven were filled with dismay. No God is there save Thee, the Almighty, the Most Powerful, the Ever-Living, the Most Compassionate. 11 I entreat Thee, moreover, O my God, by Thy Name through which the Bird of the celestial Throne hath warbled in the Realm of the unseen the melodies of Thy transcendent unity, and the Dove of Thy Revelation hath sung forth in the Kingdom of eternity the paeans of Thy sovereign oneness, and the Holy Spirit hath magnified in wondrous tones Thine everlasting gloryI entreat Thee not to withhold from these servants the gentle breezes of the morn of Thy nearness and presence, nor to suffer them to be far removed from the sweet savours of the dawn of Thy reunion and recognition. I yield Thee such thanks as can stablish the Manifestations of Thy sovereignty upon the throne of Thy governance, and set up the Exponents of Thy glory upon the seat of Thy Divinity. O Lord, help certain souls among them to know their own selves and to restrain their tongues, lest they utter that which would abase their stations and bring their works to naught. Content thyself with that which thou hast so far intimated to the world of thy sovereignty and power, for the hearts of the envious are well-nigh bursting. Thus do We disclose unto you the hidden mysteries, that haply ye may ponder the signs of God. Links to specific locations in a text can be obtained by clicking on the blue box which appears when the mouse cursor is placed to the left of the opening of a paragraph. 2 O Pen! What hath become of the creation and the manifestations thereof? Hasten, then, to the river of the mercy of your Lord, the All-Merciful, and beware lest ye withhold yourselves from its soft-flowing waters. 25 And from Her lips there streamed these words of warning and rebukehow astounding a stream, how astounding indeed!. The Great Secret contains his final two works. The inhabitants of every city cried out, and the hearts of them that circle round God were sorely shaken. No one besides Thee hath ever been found worthy to be mentioned before the Tabernacle of Thy unity, and none except Thyself hath proved himself capable of being praised within the hallowed court of Thy oneness. 4 Night hath succeeded day, and day hath succeeded night, and the hours and moments of your lives have come and gone, and yet none of you hath, for one instant, consented to detach himself from that which perisheth. Praise be unto Thee, a praise that hath endued the hearts of Thy loved ones with such constancy that no earthly veil can hinder them from fixing their gaze upon the horizon of Thy bounties, nor can the ascendancy of the oppressors deter them from beholding the wondrous light of Thy countenance. How astounding a denial, how astounding indeed! O Al! Praise be unto Thee, a praise that no earthly tongue can ever befittingly extol, a praise through which the outpourings of Thy mercy have rained upon all created things and the light of Thy countenance hath shone upon all who are in heaven and on earth. Were all the peoples of the earth to join together to harm a single one of the people of Bah, they would find themselves powerless, for all that they see as harming Thy chosen ones is as light unto them and as fire unto Thine enemies. Been looking for the quest in the save file but it seems like somewhat of a lost cause for somone with my skill level. 20 Such is the inebriating effect of the words of God upon Him Who is the Revealer of His undoubted proofs, that His Pen can move no longer. There he hath spread before Thy presence such of Thy gifts as he hath been able to provide, notwithstanding that the people had plundered all his possessions and the possessions of others among Thy loved ones. Bursting through his cage, he will, even as the bird of the spirit, wing his flight to his holy and everlasting nest. This day is thy day. 19 Rejoice with exceeding gladness, O people of Bah, as ye call to remembrance the Day of supreme felicity, the Day whereon the Tongue of the Ancient of Days hath spoken, as He departed from His House, proceeding to the Spot from which He shed upon the whole of creation the splendours of His name, the All-Merciful. Read Konoha Hypocrite - Chapter 71: Inheritance Abundance, Playing Hard To Get. This is a day whereon the idols of misbelief and worldly desire have been shattered and the Ancient Beauty hath ascended His mighty throne. Skip to 52:46 if you are here for the Spiritual Bonds Lich quest. Whensoever I attempt to unloose my tongue to extol the wondrous expressions of Thy transcendent oneness, or to open my lips to disclose the mystic gems of Thine incomparable handiwork wherewith Thou hast inspired me, I am compelled to recognize that all things sing Thy praise and glorify Thy remembrancea remembrance which hath so pervaded the heavens and the earth that all things proclaim, in their very being, the wondrous testimonies of Thine exalted praise and bear witness to the marvellous tokens of Thy transcendent unity. I yield Thee such thanks as can satisfy the wants of all such as seek Thee, and realize the aims of them that have recognized Thee. I testify, O my God, that none besides Thee can fathom Thine inscrutable wisdom or apprehend the truths and mysteries enshrined in all that hath proceeded from the manifold tokens of Thy power and the manifestations of Thy will. None hath ever been, nor shall ever be, able to rival Me amidst all creation. When He Who is the Self of God, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful, purposed to pass through the gate, the Most Great Spirit made its final proclamation: By God! Make each one of them to be as a lamp of Thy remembrance unto those servants of Thine whom self and passion have veiled from recognizing the Manifestation of Thine Essence and the Dayspring of Thy signs. From everlasting Thou hast been sanctified above the comprehension of Thy creatures, for this comprehension is naught but the product of such idle fancies as pertain to their own selves, while Thou hast remained, in the reality of Thine own Self, exalted above them and all that they possess, and beyond the grasp of all that are in heaven and on earth. 13 This is the Day whereon all things testified to that whereunto the Tongue of Power hath testified before the Divine Lote-Tree. 3 I swear by Thy glory, O my Best-Beloved! Well is it with the one who hath turned towards that which He hath revealed through His unfailing grace on this most august Day. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous BETA - Lich Mystical Path Part 25 No man can reckon, nor can any tongue tell, what hath befallen Thy chosen ones during all this time. To escape the wrath and curse of God, due to us for sin, God requireth of us faith in Jesus Christ, repentance unto life, with the 18 Blessed are they that have soared on the wings of detachment and attained the station which, as ordained by God, overshadoweth the entire creation, whom neither the vain imaginations of the learned, nor the multitude of the hosts of the earth have succeeded in deflecting from His Cause. Say: Through but a single stroke have been manifested the knowledge of all that was and shall be, and the creation of all things past and future. Blessed, then, be they that have turned towards Thee, attained Thy presence, and hearkened unto Thy call. Render thanks, then, and be not of those who join partners with God. May my soul be a ransom for Thy forbearance, O Thou the fear of Whose wrath causeth the hearts of the dwellers of the kingdom of names to tremble! Descend from thy lofty heights and, standing betwixt earth and heaven, lift the veil of concealment from thy luminous face and shine forth above the horizon of creation as the black-eyed Damsel, that haply the most great veil may be torn away from the eyes of these people and they may behold the Scene of transcendent glory, the Beauty of God, the Most Holy, the Most Powerful, the Best-Beloved., 15 O Ancient Beauty! 14 This is the Day whereon the most grievous veil was torn asunder and the Scene of transcendent purity was made manifest; the Day whereon the face of God smiled with the joy of reunion, and the gates of His presence were flung open to the embodiments of His beauty and majesty and to them that had pierced the veils of glory through the power born of God, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise; the Day whereon all things visible and invisible cried out: Hallowed be the Lord, the most excellent of all creators!. I recognize this very moment that Thou hast granted all for which I have supplicated Thee, in this blessed night which, as decreed by Thee, calleth to remembrance Him Who was the Companion of Thy beauty and the Beholder of Thy face, ere I had been mentioned by Thee, or called into being within the court of Thy holiness. Vouchsafe unto them the fragrances of Thy might and Thy mercy, and send down upon them, out of Thy marvellous loving-kindness, what will enable them to dispense with all except Thee, and will detach them from aught save Thyself, that the sovereignty of Thy oneness may be revealed and the supremacy of Thy grace and Thy bounty demonstrated. How astounding a lie, how astounding indeed! Were it not for the protection of God, the seven heavens would at that moment have been cleft asunder, and the earth would have swallowed up all that dwell upon it, and every lofty peak would have been reduced to dust. Wilt Thou withhold, O my God, from such as love Thee the wonders of Thine ascendancy and triumph? TLDW, it's a location that will appear when perceived after you get to that point in the Li. All things proclaim that Thou art God, and that there is none other God but Thee, the Sovereign, the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Most Great. Strip yourselves of every earthly affection, and hasten to embrace your Beloved. Bear thou witness, in thine own self, that verily He is God and that there is none other God but Me, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. This is the Day concerning which Thou didst covenant with every Prophet to herald unto all the advent of Him Who shall be manifested therein with Thy sovereign might and celestial power. He it is Who hath laid bare before you the hidden and treasured Gem, were ye to seek it. This is one of the days of Thy Rivn Festival whereon a corner of this prison hath been decked forth for the appearance of Him Who is the Exponent of Thy beauty, granting the request of one whose ardent devotion hath prompted him to invite Thee. Unlock, then, the gates of this Paradise to the faces of Thy loved ones, that haply they may enter them in Thy name, and by the power of Thy sovereignty, that thereby the sovereign bounties vouchsafed by Thee unto Thy chosen ones and the transcendent gifts granted unto Thy trusted ones may be perfected, that they may extol Thy virtues with such melodies as none can either intone or describe, and that none of Thy people may conceive the design of appearing in the guise of any of Thy chosen ones, or of emulating the example of Thy loved ones, and that none may fail to discern between Thy friends and Thine enemies, or to distinguish them that are devoted to Thee from such as stubbornly oppose Thee. Thou seest Thy loved ones encircled by the workers of iniquity. 1 Glorified art Thou, O my God! Wherefore am I ashamed, as are all who mention Thee, to approach the exalted heights of Thy remembrance, and am powerless, as are all who extol Thee, to ascend unto the lofty summits of Thy praise. They could obtain no shelter, nor find any refuge in which they could abide in safety. 5 Having acknowledged, O my God, with my soul, my tongue, mine essence, and with mine inner and outer being, all my trespasses, whose like mortal eyes have never beheld nor human minds conceived, I implore Thee to pardon me and Thy loved ones for whatsoever we have failed to observe of Thy laws and ordinances. Proclaim unto every longing lover: Behold, your Well-Beloved hath come among men! and to the messengers of the Monarch of love impart the tidings: Lo, the Adored One hath appeared arrayed in the fullness of His glory! O lovers of His beauty! Pathfinder and certain other tabletop systems make it possible for characters to do something called multiclassing , which means taking levels in more than one class. All things bear witness to Thy unity, and whatsoever can be said to exist, whether visible or invisible, testifieth to Thy oneness. O ye denizens of the realms of revelation and creation! For the trumpet-blast hath been sounded, and lo! And yet, in spite of this grace that hath encompassed all things, and this rapture that hath overtaken all that are immersed beneath the ocean of names, behold, I found the people of the Bayn veiled and heedless, and lying as dead in the graves of oblivion. 10 This is the Day whereon the Spirit5 proclaimed from the midmost heart of heaven: O concourse of creation! He verily hath testified, in Himself and by Himself, ere the heaven of His Cause was raised up and the clouds of His Decree were gathered together, that there is none other God but Him, and that He Who hath appeared is that Most Great Name through which His ancient proof and testimony have been established before all who are in the heavens and on the earth. All glory be to this Day whose advent hath cheered the eyes of the well-favoured of God! It behoveth all to lay down their lives for the sake of Thine ear that heareth the cries of Thine ardent lovers in every land and the sighs of Thy friends who suffer at the hands of Thine enemies. 9 O denizens of earth and heaven! Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare: Biblical Principles to Defeat 8 To the dwellers of the realm of dust She turned Her gaze. This is the Day whereon every veil hath been parted, and your Lord, the Almighty, the Most Bountiful, hath appeared and fulfilled through His appearance all that was promised aforetime. Bestir yourselves to greet this Day, a Day whereon the gates of heaven have been flung open, and the clouds of eternity have rained down, and the Nightingale of His Cause hath warbled its melody upon the twigs of the Divine Lote-Tree, and the hearts of the Concourse on high have been seized with longing in the all-highest Paradise, and the Maids of Heaven have hastened forth from their celestial chambers towards His mighty Throne. Subduing the Spirit | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki For they remain immature in the Cause of God and suckle the milk of ignorance at the breast of waywardness. Shall I praise the heavenly repast which Thou hast sent down in this Day unto the people of Bah, whom Thou hast singled out for Thy favour amongst the dwellers of earth and heaven? 3 Lauded art Thou, O Lord, for having singled out Thy loved ones and chosen them from amongst Thy people, and for having turned Thy gaze towards them from this spot wherein He Who is the Embodiment of Thy Cause lieth imprisoned. Reckon ye to be treading the path of the spirit even as ye have rejected this Revelation? 3 By Thy glory! He Who is the Manifestation of the Adored One hath been established upon the throne of His name, the All-Loving, and the sun of His bounty hath cast its rays upon the seeing and seen alike. When He reached the banks of the river, He parted from His loved ones, and it was as though the very souls of those devoted servants had parted from their bodies. Nay, Thou hast illumined this Day, O my Best-Beloved, with the very lights of Thine own inaccessible Being and with the full glory of Thine own exalted Essence. Glorified, immeasurably glorified, art Thou! 18 Behold me, then, O my God, how I have fled from myself unto Thee, and have abandoned my own being that I may attain unto the splendours of the light of Thy Being, and have forsaken all that keepeth me back from Thee, and maketh me forgetful of Thee, in order that I may inhale the fragrances of Thy presence and Thy remembrance. This, verily, is a Day whereon Thou hast ordained that each of Thy names be endowed with the potentialities of all Thy names. I don't remember about that, but I believe I accepted it. Thou hast from everlasting been potent, through the Manifestations of Thy might, to reveal the signs of Thy power, and Thou hast ever made known, through the Daysprings of Thy knowledge, the words of Thy wisdom. 10 O Pen! All glory be to this manifest and wondrous Cause! Even in this there are signs for those who are well assured, evidences for them that discern, and allusions for such as have been endued with insight. 22 Cast, then, upon me, O my God, the glances of Thy mercy, and forgive me my trespasses and the trespasses of them that are dear to Thee, and which come in between us and the revelation of Thy triumph and Thy grace. 6 This is a festival wherein all things have been absolved by virtue of the appearance of Him Who is the Ancient King from behind the veil of names. This is the Day whereon the Pen of God hath absolved all who are in the heavens and on earth. **SPOILER** I need help quest : SUBDUING THE SPIRIT :: Pathfinder Shatter not the hopes of this lowly one to attain the shores of Thy glory, and deprive not this wretched creature of the immensities of Thy riches, and cast not away this suppliant from the doors of Thy grace, and Thy bounty, and Thy gifts. 2 I beseech Thee, O my God, by this Day and by Him Whom Thou hast made to be the Dawning-Place of Thy revelation and the Dayspring of Thine inspiration, to ordain for Thy loved ones the good of this world and of the world to come, and to number them with those whom naught can distract from Thy remembrance and praise. How Can I Explain God's Wrath in the Bible as Loving? Wh at doth God requ ire of us, that w e may escap e his wrath and curse due to us for sin? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 14 In cups and chalices She passed round the wine of life. Rich is the prize that shall be won by him who hath believed and exclaimed: Lauded art Thou, O Beloved of all worlds! Blessed, then, be God, the Source of this rapture that hath seized the entire creation! They provide buffs to any undead allies and have access to a wide range of Necromantic spells that are useful at range and in melee. We bear witness that Thou art God and that there is none other God but Thee. First, that in this Revelation the law of the sword hath been annulled.3 Second, that ere the expiration of one thousand years whosoever advanceth a prophetic claim is false. He, verily, praiseth His own Self on their behalf and mentioneth Himself through their tongues. 1. This is the Day whereon the sore athirst have attained the stream of everlasting life and the yearning souls have beheld the Vision of the All-Merciful. I beseech Thee by this Day, and by Thy most consummate Name through which the Most Great Ocean hath surged, to protect the people of Bah from them that have disbelieved in Thy mighty signs. I, verily, await His command, that by His leave I might descend into the world, even as I ascended from it. Thus have I informed you, O people, of Him Whose remoteness hath lacerated My heart and Who hath made Me to quaff the cup of separation. Arise before the nations of the earth, and arm thyself with the power of this Most Great Name, and be not of those who tarry. And he is saying they are storing up more wrath, as he gives them up to wrath. Blessed, then, be the All-Bountiful, the Source of this all-encompassing grace! 4 Say: The Maiden of Eternity unveiled Her facemay her wondrous beauty be exalted indeed!. How woeful was that manifest and irrevocable decree! Announce unto yourselves the joyful tidings: He Who is the Best-Beloved is come! All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath appeared above a dayspring of exalted glory! Such was their weeping and wailing that they fell prostrate upon the dust, consumed with sorrow. Seek ye in these days the grace of God and His all-embracing mercy, and beware lest ye follow in the footsteps of every veiled and heedless soul. Say: A single letter of Mine utterance hath, verily, brought forth the entire universe, the realities of all things, and worlds which none can fathom save God, the Almighty, the Most Manifest. For He verily is Mine own Appearance amongst you, and whoso maketh the slightest distinction between Him and Me hath indeed strayed far from the straight path of truth. It is for His love that I rose up amongst you and consorted with you. 6 The glory of Thy might beareth me witness, O my God! 23 And when He reached the courtyard of the House, the concourse of the realm of holiness prostrated themselves at His feet, and the foundations of the House trembled in their separation from God, the All-Powerful, the Almighty, the Most Exalted. 5 This is the Day whereon the All-Merciful shed the splendour of His effulgence upon all names. Apprise, then, the inhabitants of Paradise of that which hath been manifested in the kingdom of creation. Potent art Thou to do what Thou pleasest, and powerful art Thou over all things. This is the Day whereon the rule of His grace and all-pervading mercy hath been so universally established as to embrace every soul, for He hath in truth summoned each and all to His presence and hath shed upon all things the splendour of His glorious and refulgent beauty.. He, verily, is the Almighty, the Most Powerful. From time immemorial I remained shrouded in the veil of sanctity beneath the Tabernacle of Grandeur. Attire us then with the robe of forgiveness, O my God, in this Day whereon Thou hast assumed the throne of Thy grace and bounty invested with the full glory of Thy names and attributes; the Day whereon the sun of Thy beauty hath dawned above the horizon of Thy grandeur, and the signs of Thy glorious sovereignty have been vouchsafed from the treasury of Thy grace; the Day whereon the sweet savours of reunion have wafted over all who are in Thy heaven and on Thine earth, and the hidden Word hath shone forth from the repository of Thy protection and power. Then He arose, and through His arising the Most Great Resurrection was ushered in betwixt earth and heaven. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath appeared above a dayspring of resplendent holiness! This is the Srih of the Pen, which hath been sent down from the heaven of eternity unto them that have fixed their gaze upon His Throne. Thou bearest witness, and seest, and knowest the things that have befallen Thy loved ones in Thy days, and the continual trials, and the successive tribulations, and the incessant afflictions, which have been sent down upon Thine elect. He Who, from everlasting, had concealed His Face from the sight of creation is now come. From the whispering breeze that wafteth amidst its branches there cometh the cry: He Who is the sovereign Lord of all is made manifest. I just got to the mines of the poopmonster and have no save to reveert to (as i quiclsave quite frequently). Nay, even swifter than this, and yet the people understand not. I yield Thee such thanks as can cause the sick to draw nigh unto the waters of Thy healing, and can help those who are far from Thee to approach the living fountain of Thy presence. Thus hath His eternal command shone forth from the dayspring of His Pen, that ye may rejoice in your souls and be of those whose hearts are gladdened. Praise be to Thee, O Thou our Lord, In the name of God, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful!, In the name of God, Who hath cast His splendour, In the name of God, the Almighty, the Unconstrained!, In the name of God, the Most Glorious!, He is God. Whoso followeth this counsel will break his chains asunder, will taste the abandonment of enraptured love, will attain unto his hearts desire, and will surrender his soul into the hands of his Beloved. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath shone above a dayspring of resplendent holiness! How glorious was His assumption of that seat of majesty, through which the hearts of them that enjoy near access to Him were assured, and the souls of them that have recognized Him drew nigh, and the faces of them that have turned towards Him were illumined, and the spirits of them that have fixed their gaze upon Him were sanctified, and the eyes of the Concourse on high were cheered, and the tongues of all things, visible and invisible, were unloosed in praise of God, the Sovereign Lord, the Mighty, the Gracious!

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subduing the spirit wrath of the righteous

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