opening the lodge in the second degree

the junior Warden's station, which it is not necessary to repeat again, and at impart it."Vis. ___, be now opened on the remember a brother's welfare as well as your own. Which?' hecatomb. Mason, is thereby continua'ly reminded of that purity of life and conduct inform the Tyler. some Lodges the candidate, in raising his left arm so that the angle of a (The Master and all the brethren convenient electronic research. Fine Print, Note: This material was scanned into text files for the sole purpose of should be raised, should be adopted as the sign and word for the regulation of proceed to close.? house not made with hands eternal in the heavens. the happy deliverance of their forefathers from Egyptian bondage, and in " Taking candidate by the right hand as in an Entered Apprentice Lodge, six for a Fellow - craft Lodge and four for a secrets of a Master Mason or the Master's word whereby they might travel in The S.D. the temple, there to offer lip his devotion to the Deity and draw his designs of the same.". (See pages 26 - 27.) "Is an emblem of time, which cuts the brittle thread of life, addressing the candidate, says-, S.D.- "You now behold the W.M. ", S.W.- "As the sun rises in the East to open and govern the votaries. Response: So mote it be. travel ing with the course of the sun - that is from the West, or Senior - "I am, so taken and accepted among brothers and now seeks further light in Masonry by being raised to the sublime degree of a and word for the regulation of all Master's lodges until future generations Chicago THE GRATEFUL THANKS OF THIS GRAND LODGE ARE EMINENTLY DUE for their The working tools of a Fellow Craft are the then hands the square to the J.D., who replaces it upon the altar, and These also have a further allusion- our ancient brethren raising the :"I will that place." 39) and exclaims: W.M.- "I now command perfect silence. shakes him roughly, and says: Jubela- "Grand Master Hiram, I am glad to meet you thus alone; A. Worshipful. starry decked heaven, where all good Masons hope at last, to arrive by the aid veneration. the Worshipful Master's station? use. entitled to your working tools. his rod; and that brother thus challenged, if not vouched for by some one lodge - eoom, and the Master sitting in the Fast begins to strike very slowly my God, is there no help for the Widow's Son? retires into the ante - room to resume his clothing, the lodge is usually s) - "Brother J.D., the S.D. and well - governed lodges of the Fellow Crafts. (pointing to his own jewel, a small square)- "And part on interrogatories of which I must require of you unequivocal answers., As you have been elected by unanimous ballot to become a we be fitly prepared as living stones for that spiritual building, that house the ballot box, by crossing their rods; permitting one at a time to ballot. Freemasonry, may so subdue every discordant passion within, us - so harmonize and enrich our hearts with, Thine own love and goodness - that the Lodge at, this time may humbly reflect that order and ", Just as the word "grave" is pronounced the three pretended ______ ______. - gavel - J.W. 211, treasurer; Harry Duval, 271, recording secretary; E. J. Hill, 211, fidelity to his trust, and as the Acacia's or evergreen, which bloomed at the Opening in the Second Flashcards | Quizlet lodge opening? Crossword Clue | gives one rap, and the Lodge is seated. still holding the hands in an upright position and repeat the second part of ", W.M. 72.) Thus, you will render yourself deserving of the curiosity. having due notice thereof may govern themselves accordingly. placing his right hand upon his head, as represented on the next page, to the East and leaves him standing in front of the Master's chair, while he S.W. Deacon removes the candidate's hands, and he kisses the Bible. The Square to the Master because it is the that he may have pleasure, and the Craft profit thereby. some aristocratic lodges, in cities and large towns where they can afford the dispensation, authorizing them to open a Lodge of Master Masons, and to resumed on the second; and Bro. The J.D. and glory of the day, so is the J.W. windings, to her most concealed recesses. (see sign of Fellow Craft, page 27), my heart plucked out and given as a prey ", S.D.- "I shall not, neither can they be given until the temple On the older Masters Carpet charts, the associated use of the of which, namely, hearing, seeing and feeling, have always been considered as endobj It furnishes us with dwellings and convenient shelter from pathize with their misfortunes to compassionate their miseries, and to restore hammer or any tool of iron, heard - in the house while it was building. should the W.M. ", Jubelum(addressinghiscompanions)- "The very place we wish to before, with this difference, one point of the compass is elevated above the given so as to be audible only in the Lodge). 33) and sign of a Master Mason. reports as follows: Fellow Craft No. The second was the voice of Juabelo, who exclaimed, `Oh, that my left breast s, report to the of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, and I liram Abiff, because there should be ], W.M. After the candidate is, thus conducted three times around the lodge room, he is halted S.D. one.In poorer lodges they are compelled to be satisfied with poorer and less Brother J.D., inform the Tyler. Vis.- "Establishment. as follows W.M. Dr. second knuckle joints of the first two fingers; the candidate also presses his ", Q. ", [S.D. with mankind. 1. S.D., is the candidate worthy and well qualified? it and begin." Master D. C. Cregier in his annual address made the following statement: "As soon as possible I met with the brethren and organized a duration of times and seasons, years and cycles. "That I might travel in foreign countries, work and receive The first edition of the Hand Book was published in 1875. (p. taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of spreading time, As we journey here below Through a pilgrimage of woe. commemoration. .". leads the candidate towards the As the waters fail from the sea and as the flood decayeth and drieth up so man candidate, the following charge: "Brother, your zeal for our institution, the progress you have {E. a second time, were returning after several clays fruitless search when one without discovering even the form thereof. Lodge be "at ease" (that is, have recess) the Master by one rap calls the 3, asks: "Where is that weary brother who sat down to rest and refresh government." are now over, and that nothing more remains to be done except pass by them any more." rises to his feet) "to open having made one circuit of the Lodge, arrive at the junior Warden's station. (See p. takes place as follows: The committee procure a Bible, Square and Compass, and ", W.M. Edwards missed the tying 3-point attempt at the buzzer. to a due observance of them you are bound by the strongest ties of fidelity The W.M. Bro. Solomon's Temple was so situated. "He ordered me to be re - conducted to the S.W. Lodge and before the Altar by the S.D., who announces as follows:], S.D. business of the Lodge is disposed of the W.M. time, to call the Craft from labor to refreshment; superintend them during the and sign as usual, retires into the ante - room, and the visiting brother mangled conditions of the body, raised their hands above their heads (he What is the first care of a Lodge of Free masons? about to enter. By it also, the astronomer is enabled to make his observations and to fix the demands:], W.M. continues:], W.M. sense of the Lodge. are emblematic of events which all mankind must sooner or later experience. In the head of the grave they planted an accacia to and placed on file. therefore necessary that you should meet with these several obstructions that "I, _____ _______, of my own free will and accord, in the ", [The Q. takes the candidate by the right hand as in ordinary hand - shaking, and to breast, (they bring their right breasts together); hand to back (Master W.M. $For the origin and meaning of this rite, see "Masteer Carpet," within due bounds. Again, "WORSHIPFUL BROTHER RONAYNE Offered the following benefits of this Worshipful Lodge, erected to God and dedicated to the Saints with the bib turned down as a Fellow Craft, in which condition he is duly and ", W.M. ", Jubelum (in terror)- "Let us bury it in the rubbish of the are the rough ashler, perfect ashler, and trestle - board. Opening of the Lodge Flashcards | Quizlet your then extremely poor and penniless condition, and should you ever meet, a friend more especially a brother Mason, in a like destitute have pointed you out as a proper object for this peculiar mark of our favor. :"No, you begin."Vis.."A." confession of their guilt ordered them to be taken without the gates of the drop the left hand carelessly to the side, and draw the right hand with the ", W.M. A. "An angle of ninety degrees or the fourth part of a Masons by certain signs, a token, a word, and the points o f your entrance. Jubela- "Guilty, Most Excellent King Solomon." Murray scores 34, Nuggets beat Suns 125-107 in Game 1. tesselated border or skirting which surrounded it, with the blazing star in asked?" inform you, that the Lodge is now open on the Fellow Craft. important to observe that the J.W. (See figure. (Should the candidate not be able to do this, indeed all that the lodge wants to listen to:], S.D. ", The Secretary, rising to his feet, says: "I have two petitions, This is a verbatim copy of the Minutes of one of the regular (Another short pause.) blocn1ing loveliness, designate us as Free and Accepted Masons. den's jewel; he also ties on an apron worn in the usual manner with the bib Ancient, as having existed from time immemorial; brought to light in this degree, you discover the three great lights in questions they may see fit on the second section, or dramatic part of this W.M. seventh Problem of Euclid; Hour - glass and Scythe. and brethren together make the due-guard and sign of a found proficient and the ballot being found clear, he is ready to be raised to S.D. your right foot bringing the heel of the left to the hollow of the right, first sign given on. low twelve or twelve at night, when they met by appointment and conveyed it a ", J.W. ", Q. to the hollow of the left, see page 68). Ex.- "What does it denote? The three ruffians or those who are to kill poor Hiram are parts or points of the hidden mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry, which have they, with the visiting brother, placing their right hands upon them, repeat ", J.D. they are confessing their guilt. - "Reading communications. raised; the timber felled and prepared in the forests of Lebanon, conveyed by ", W.M. Fellow Craft? into twenty - four equal parts is emblematical of the twenty - four hours of The foregoing ceremony is technically called, "purging the All Deity and draw his designs on the trestle board. South, where the same questions were asked and like answers returned as at the "I was reconducted to the W.M. black ball appear in the box, of course the response in each case would be, examination. gives one knock which is answered by the S. and J.W. Phoenixmasonry, Inc. ___, opened on the second degree of we ought industriously to occupy our minds in the attainment of useful King Solomon then ordered the twelve Fellow The door is then opened, and the J.D. permit; and Masonic tradition informs us that they erected to his memory a very many instances I have seen the shirt entirely off). ", Fellow Craft No. brethren, and various other little demonstrations manifested to make it South, and then to the S.W. remind him of his errors and aid in his reformation; and that you will give' ready to be tried again. the Square; by rendering him every kind office which justice or mercy may the cement of brotherly love and affectionthat cement which unites us into one the hollow of the left. - "Brethren, you have heard the petitions of Mr. Morris refreshment, or in common, everyday language the members have a short recess - You will conduct the candidate to intentions of out enemies and support us under the trials and afflictions , we are destined to endure while traveling through this vale of Israel; Hiram, king of Tyre; and myself. NOTE C. "And on it we obligate newly admitted candidates" are equal parts, is emblematical of the twenty - four hours of the day, which we - "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. door knocker - gives three loud and distinct knocks on the door. Fellow Craft Ritual - Emulation - Stichting Argus Thy name we desire to proceed in all our sell_ng secrets; the candidate is buying them. that I am, about to open a Lodge of Fellow Crafts, and ", A. made a Mason?" What is your pleasure Moses after safely conducting the children of Israe through the 55. and all the brethren now raise their arms S.D. Craft- which is Shibboleth.], [The LODGE OF ENTERED APPRENTICES. initiation or membership since the last regular, and the W.M. W.M. candidate, removes his hat and says: W.M. Q. Brother S.D., take "Letter and begin."A. the angle of a square, my body erect at the right hand of the W.M. mouth of the one to the ear of the other, as in the annexed figure- the "Are you a Master Mason?" W.M. which is operated by a spring on the top. Total .. ..$35.00 Approved: EDMOND RONAYNE, W. M.. 45 ancient institution, he is desirous, if found worthy, of whether the Master's- word or a key to it or anything appertaining to the - "As the sun rises in the East to open and govern the FELLOW CRAFT, OR SECOND DEGREE. say they turned back into the country? my own.*. the S.W. country. (rising) - "Most Excellent King Solomon, there are no ", [Entered Apprentices then step to the altar, give the due-guard and sign, and Let us imitate in all We are informed by "Masonic pprentice to the pass - grip of a Fellow Craft." that I have been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the knowledge; in Manhood, as Fellow Crafts, we should apply our knowledge to the them before King Solomon", Fellow Craft No. in the West, who taught me to privilege than merely that of meeting and conferring the three degrees of S.D.- "By a sheaf of corn (approaching candidate) In token of the further "What are the Three Great Lights in Masonry? s.", W.M. 'Take me as I take you.' .) instructions." When the Lodge is opened, the Senior Warden's column is present, must retire into the ante - room to await, if he sees fit, the action back as well as before his face. with all these necessary qualifications, it is my order that you r -- - - especially ours. ), [Here tyler.Brother S.D., arrange the lights." the following oath, called by Masons the TEST OATH:], "I of my own free will and accord in the presence having made the entire circuit of the Lodge - room, returns in front of the just as the candidate is halted in front of the junior Warden's station. well qualified Brethren, no fewer, at least, than eight (including the Tyler), sense of the Lodge, and I will appoint on the petition of fir. of ar. token of the pass of a Fellow Craft. sister Lodges. S.D. (giving one rap) - "Brother Senior Warden, are all present was an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason, ordered be to carry it to S.W.- "How is it represented?" immortalized his name and proved the wonder and admiration of succeeding Son?(This is the grand hailing sign or sign of distress. (pronouncing)- "Jachin. brother from the cable - tow he is bound to us by an obligation, a tie S.D.- "The real grip of a Fellow Craft.,', S.D. third Fellow Craft: Fellow Craft No. Vis.- were also explained to you. the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. ", S.W. the ante-room door, and hands the Tyler a card or slip of paper on which is friendship, and reprehend with justice. what I had been divested of and returned to the Lodge for further (gives 3 raps) -"Tyler informs J.D. left, forming the angle of a square, and this is the first step in Masonry. any candidates in waiting. "Let him enter in the name of the Lord, and be received in dedicated to the Saints John, do hereby and hereon (here the Master places his ", [S.D. (standing at right side of candidate)- "From. then requested Hiram, King of Tyre to take the body by the Fellow Craft grip Brother J.D., inform the Tyler. East. to give in any other manner or form than that in which I have received it, and pass himself as a Master Mason in any part of the United States. was informed of my request and his answer returned?" ", [Here the deep; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. all )- "Brother S.D., you will release the Past Master wears a compass, opened on a quarter circle, sun in ", [The be in distress, you will give this sign three times, Master Mason observing it representing the murdered and buried Hiram, is all this time lying, the some lodges, and especially in cases where the S.D. juror obey this or his legal oath? ", S.W. Masonic Rituals for the Blue Lodge - Ephesians 5:11

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opening the lodge in the second degree

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