saturn in aquarius tarot

Minerva was consulted as a kind of celestial Agony Aunt by the Romans and the Temple of Sulis Minerva in Bath contains her head it is gigantic. This is the Libra part of your chart. Transiting Saturn in Pisces in Capricorns solar Third House of communication will slow things down online for you and every Capricorn. Well, imagine these two teaming up. All this restricts you and confines you for a reason. If its Cancerian in nature you would look long and hard at the realities of what you are going to do, because Saturn retrograde at 0 Pisces suggests the outcome will be quite long term. Good one, too. You may get more than you bargained for, so hold higher hopes, not just for the space itself, but also the local area. Saturn in Libra in your Seventh House is about lifelong restrictions involving partners and limits, obstacles and barriers involving other sorts of duets, like marriages or professional duets. This is where the idea of Saturn and responsibility comes from. The other important month is July, when you finish up a cycle in your solar Fifth House of sexual relationships and parenthood (or substitute parenthood) which has kept you stuck for quite a long time. (If it doesnt, its because your past karma is catching up with you.) He was bisexual, for what its worth, and also a terrifying opponent, as well as a psychic. With Saturn about to go into my 2H in Pisces, would that be a good transit for me? He has had health issues throughout his life that have been overcome successfully. Its the same now, and although there will be more personal issues for you to handle about your food, drink, medication, exercise and so on the general problem to solve is Covid. Accept no access into a situation, or no exit from a situation, while it is there. Rex E. Bills (The Rulership Book) associates Saturn with chronic and Saturns Greek predecessor was Kronos. The lofty, idealistic, and humanitarian nature of Aquarius brings out the best in Saturn, where the impulse to break down the self and burn away impurities becomes about as gentle and constructive as it can be. For classical astrologers and magicians, Aquarius was the daytime home of Saturn. Thank you Jessica. I had my natal Saturn in Capricorn 3 years ago (also Capricorn is my 4th natal house) and in that period I got married but also divorced when Saturn finished the transit and switched to next sign, so for me was a period with two important/crucial moments in one transit. Conversely, if your love life is going amazingly well, then consider putting a ring on it. If you want to travel in March please see my old predictions about Covid-19. Husband is Aries. He is issuing new rules and people are leaving. His lifestyle, workload and way of life his wellbeing is also in the zone for tremendous change from May 2023 when at last the opportunities for improvement are there, along with quite a radical reshaping of what was there before. Find directions to Ninnescah, browse local businesses, landmarks, get current traffic estimates, road conditions, and Well, Saturn is going into Pisces and your Twelfth House, so nothing to do with foreign countries, partnerships or conflicts. As always I am so appreciative of any input, you have always hit the mark. Do it from the heart. I have just recently found out that I am expecting a baby. Was looking forward to reading Astrology Secrets Newsletter for January 2023 but the email came up blank and have not heard back at all from Support. For me it might be accurate since its where my Node axis is.So it means that when Saturn cross my south node it will be important date for me? A juxtaposition. You are a Sun Virgo with stelliums in Virgo, Aquarius and Scorpio. You have the advantage because of that, because you know what to do. March 2023 is the turning point when the negative situation with the house stops and you are offered a choice to either fix the home or move you would be offered the choice no later than June. Saturn has been in Aquarius (groups, friends, social life, networks) since December 18th 2020. These two sources are so dear to me. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. Old friends come back, new friends are made. Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for May 2023, Astrology Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Have a look at Dr. Eric Ding on Twitter, the Harved-educated epidemiologist who broke the news about the new variant before the US authorities were forced to fall in behind him. Besides, I found out that I have an inhibition to demand money for my work and I have a feeling that I am only working for the stingy people. The shut-out (or shut in) social life of 2021, 2022 and early 2023 ends in March. This inspired me to look back at my Saturn return, which was well before I had much awareness of astrology, and it was one of the most tumultuous times of my life, having been stuck in leases in shoddy homes (one of which had a bedbug infestation), tension between friends and roommates, and was hit by a car while bicycling. I decided to do a tarot reading for him and got the King of Cups. Religion and HIV/AIDS issues centred around condom use but also the status of LGBT people. Saturn will be retrograde for 140 days and stationary for 33 days throughout this transit. Same story told twice from two different angles. MC I appreciate any guidance. Today Covid-19 travels on cruise ships. Your Leo side is about courtship, the bedroom, babies, children, teenagers and grown-up children. There is a second step in July when the karma with some of these people also ends. You will do the rest. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Are you able to take a look and my chart and offer some insights please? The more I read of your explanations the more I understand and can start to put the pieces together for myself. You will be quids in as early as June 2023 and start to see a much bigger picture for you, once you are halfway through the year. This goes back a long way to siblings or cousins you grew up with, as you taught each other vocabulary, diction and so on, just by babysitting each other when your parents were busy, or playing together. You see the restrictions end with groups and friends (Aquarius) but new restrictions with religion and spirituality (Pisces). 24 Capricorn 03 Your daughter and grandchildren are thus part of the story of karma, which ends in July 2023. Its rather hard to read for you as a result, but July 2023 is a turning point when you realise the other side, or your other half, is bringing back reminders of life as it was 18 or 19 years earlier. Astrology cuts through the noise. 15 Scorpio 54 57 I feel as if I need to learn something to be prepared but what lesson am I supposed to learn? This photograph above from Wikimedia Commons shows you how Saturn in astrology looks and feels. hi Jessica, happy new year! taki. Its rather like a person (house guest) who brings all sorts of restrictions with him. As romantic Venus meets up with serious Saturn in impersonal Aquarius, everythings not exactly coming up all sunshine and roses in our love lives. You also have a Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries as well as transiting Saturn about to enter your solar Ninth House. We feel as if its Christmas in that area of life where Saturn has been standing. You can transform your career, your love life, and your lifestyle, if youre ready. You will be pleased to see the back of it as it has affected your social life, friendships and involvement with one or more groups. Saturn in astrology is often seen as a teacher. If you impose boundaries, set limits, restrain and confine on a Saturn cycle, you will be similarly restricted. Some branches may not be there forever. Take out a mortgage. Waving at you from across the ocean. The sign of Aquarius has been associated with circles of people coming together for a common purpose, for centuries. This will help to bring you back down to earth about what has been a long escape from the real world. This card represents Taurus eternal learning. Am back at work going into office once a week which is pretty much back to normal now with large face to face group meetings which I dont want to attend, but I am the only one. This may involve a salary question of course. just re-posting my question from a couple of days ago. Libra rules your Seventh House of marriage, divorce, separation and common-law marriage, as well as professional partnership. People often go to therapists or join group therapy on this transit, or wrestle with their own inner state. My bet is it will be Covid but it may be a second issue which you feel is more important. From that point forward, with your existing partner or a new one, you will balance the scales and settle karma from the previous cycle. The world will experience a big bump. Psychics. Hi Jessica ! He would like her to sell their flat which would make her virtually homeless My Saturn and Moon are in Virgo as is my Venus so Saturn in Pisces could show up some difficulties. With Saturn in Aquarius, the planet lies in the last of the Air signs. They will at home with new technologies or if not naturally the power of the planet Saturn will allow them to study hard to become knowledgable in these areas. It has been his alternative reality. So you see, What Im really hoping for with Saturn in Pisces is a little help with losing the weight Ive gained while Jupiter and Neptune have been visiting my 1st house/in Pisces. Thats really all it is. Bacchus Marriage. From this we also get chronology, chronological order and the idea of having to wait for things to change. Does it have any significance? I currently feel that I am near rock bottom already and am stuck in a rut with no light at the end of the tunnel , although I am trying hard to stay upbeat about the future! Saturn is sometimes known as the daddy planet (yep) because it brings discipline and order to our lives. Pisces rules religion, therapy, Tarot, spirituality, hypnosis, mediumship, meditation and your relationship with the Universe, which may be quantum theory based. You have to get real about that, even more so than youve already done. You have been through this before, so you know what to do. Happy Lunar New Year to you too Jessica. And how will this transit affect us? I always feel bad commenting as you have so much traffic on your page already, but i have stelliums in both Aquarius and Pisces, I have a Saturn ruled chart so restriction and learning from it is nothing new to me, my partner and I both Pisces Suns would love to buy a house this year, I am hoping within the coming months, do you see this being possible? As for friendships, the last 2 years, many have been put to the test and not all have survived it. Im really a hard worker, and I have this tendency to push my body until I crash. Im joking a lot about that with my friends. Wondered, would you have time to take a look at my birth chart? Could this be because of Saturn? The world will experience a big bump. All the best. Itll stay there until March 7th, 2023, apart from a dip back into Capricorn from July 1st, 2020, to December 17th, 2020. . You two have karma and will proceed towards slow closure in 2023, 2024. Limits Thank you. With Saturn by sign and house, we are shut in and blocked, or shut out and locked of situations. In the 1990s it was about gay culture, but also any collective that united a wide range of people. This sign is shaken and stirred in 2023 and so you will find your family tree is also blown around by the winds of change. So there is hope. There will be new rules and restrictions with the internet for you, and perhaps the media. Borders How do I prepare for this? Hi Jessica, this is a great read on Saturn, thank you! An example of the principle exemplified by Saturn in Aquarius could be Thomas Eddison the inventor of the lightbulb. Happy New Year. The other useful tip is to scrutinise who/what you commit to when Saturn makes the ingress in Pisces on March 8th and be a realist about who/what you take on. When Jupiter and then Uranus both go to 27 Taurus, for example, they trine his natal IC at 27 Taurus and whatever he has inherited from a relative or ancestor, in terms of depression or being the professional who treated the same, takes a new direction and transforms to his advantage. for such an amazing and detailed report! Thank you for another super interesting post, Jessica love the advice to clear the deck for the area that Saturn will occupy! May 2023 begins a terrific period of saving money or making it, if you take the chances given to you by May 2024. None of this is new. Dont worry, I have had thousands of readers reporting about being undermined, insulted or bypassed by people far less qualified than they this is also Pluto. Sounds like there are Taurus/Second House issues here, but perhaps also Virgo/Sixth House concerns. You have grown up being locked out of situations, involving your parents, siblings and other relatives (cant get in, for whatever reason) or you have been locked into situations (cant get out, insurmountable obstacles and barriers). Absolutely fascinating, thank you for your wonderful work. Its on that level, but the media is also brought in, so this feels like politics to me. In Aquarius, this is about friends and groups. Saturn is the dark night of the soul, the force for transformation that, though painful, ultimately leads you to a deeper spiritual awareness. Have been travelling a very challenging road for many years. Review heavily binding agreements with that in mind and life will be easier in future. Read the testimonials. I do have opportunities coming at me and loads of creative inspo at the moment so Im not too worried but I know that Saturn can throw up roadblocks You turn your apartment into a cage. People or organisations which were powerful will lose their power. As I write this and re-read my comment I have to laugh because I feel like a walking contradiction. March 2023 ends the questions about who or what is in control. The next day, Jupiter in Taurus clashes with Pluto in Aquarius, stirring up intense feelings around your comfort and where you call home. The glyph for Saturn on your computer is based on a designed scythe. Thank you very much for your help, should you wish to give it. Thank you so much for your insights. I am sorry you are going through it. It is extremely important that you put your health first, near these dates, if you have factors at Virgo 1, 3, 5, 6 degrees. Thank you so much. I was already feeling like moving in a specific direction. This is more important as the South Node transiting 20, 21 Scorpio marks the 2020s for you. Is that significant? ASC Capricorn: Position. Here, Saturn is still interested in maintaining consistency but is more open to consider how doing things differently can prompt better results. The answer lies in the symbolism of astrology and understanding the room to move within the patterns. It was more in depth than any of the other charts I purchased for family so thank you for that. Archetypes go back to the Romans, who adapted them from the Greeks, and as archetypes are embedded in the hive mind (and yours and mine) they are also embedded in the language. February 16th: Sun 27 Aquarius conjunction Saturn 27 Aquarius The Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio, is about sexual relationships which are a potential threat. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 all saw Saturn in Pisces. Could you enlighten me on how this may affect me? Young men copied his hairstyle. Saturn moving across Pisces and the Twelfth House brings new restrictions and limitations, along with the usual Neptune in Pisces experience of boundary-free life. Aquarius Dates: Jan 21 - Feb 18 Symbol: The Water-Bearer Mode + Element: Fixed Air Ruling Planet: Saturn & Uranus House: Eleventh Mantra: I Know Body Part: The Shins Colors: Silver & Blue Tarot Card: The Star Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Barriers Leo. There may be couples counselling and so on. It was the year that the gay community an Aquarius group with all its diversity and equality was hit hard by AIDS. Here? Sex. Your issue is more likely that there are 16,522 comments today and its really luck of the draw if yours is on top, where I can see it. Pregnancy. 13 Sagittarius 03 In 2023 you will notice these conjunctions first. Lynne, I am very sorry you were hospitalised with Covid. So, for example, you are told there are wolves at the door of your apartment. With Saturn in Aquarius, the people will work hard to achieve this vision. All about Saturn in Aquarius or in the 11th house The placement of your Saturn sign can reveal some of lifes toughest lessons. Hi Jessica You are a Sun Virgo with stelliums in Virgo, Leo and Libra. Cousins. The endless questions about who is top dog are almost over March finishes a cycle. I particularly found it comforting to read that we can work with this energy through patience/time vs just fear it. I suppose the question for you and the family is, can anyone be bothered to make the effort to try communication and closer contact? 20 Libra 14 38 Word of advice: Keep an open mind. However Im slowly finding freedom and new perspective through meditation and therapy. 22 Aquarius 23 Dreams. Thanks so much TJ. Restraints It denies you access, or it locks you into situations. You cant get him out of your chart at least not in the universe we are both inhabiting as I answer your question! Putting your self-care first means you are in the best possible shape to deal with the challenge to change.

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saturn in aquarius tarot

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