advantages of refractometer compared to urinometer

Armstrong LE, Soto JAH, Hacker FT, Jr, Casa DJ, Kavouras SA, Maresh CM. The first part of the urine stream is discarded, then a small sample 2 Calibrating the refractometer. Equipment. ii. Tester 1 and tester 2 were consistent between trials, but tester 3 and tester 4 were not. In contrast, other researchers12,1619 assessing the validity of reagent strips with refractometry have reported that the reagent strips are not an acceptable alternative to refractometry. Urinometer The urinometer, a type of hydrometer, was used for measuring the specific gravity of urine. Tai YH, Tsai PC, Ho YL, Delaunay JJ, Wei PK. Next, pour 25 mL of tap water into the graduated cylinder. Webadvantages: The handheld refractometer is very easy to operate. A urine test is not a definite diagnosis of a particular condition. Urinometer What are the benefits of a refractometer? However, the measurement is affected by alcohol, and the Final Gravity reading needs to be corrected Continue reading Refractometer measures the urine density on the basis of the index of light refraction. Hematologic, Plasma Biochemical, Protein Electrophoretic, and Total Solid Values of Captive Oriental Turtle Doves (. Refractometer, Brix and Beer Brewing 'Specific gravity' is a function of the number, density and weight of the solute particles present in the urine, and is used as a measure of the concentrating power of the kidney. A small beam of light (red) is shined at the prism surface. Still cheaper than a refractometer. A limitation of our study is that none of the subjects was severely dehydrated, so we did not assess the reliability and validity of the 3 methods in this situation. Can you measure final gravity with a refractometer? Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Before Click to see full answer. Substances are put into cuvettes that are glass or quartz containers that light can easily travel through. A urine test strip is more of qualitative and not much on the quantitative information. It is a must to observe the proper time of dipping and reading the result as too early or too long could lead to an inaccurate result. The specific gravity of water is 1.000 under conditions of standard temperature and pressure. Gounden and Newall14 compared results using reagent strips with 2 refractometers in 12 normal subjects and reported correlations of .906 and .911. Popowski et al11 also concluded that measurement of urine specific gravity by refractometry was a valid assessment of hydration status, although it may lag somewhat behind plasma osmolality during progressive acute dehydration. The sensitivity of the hydrometer and reagent strips was calculated as the number that were both disease positive and test positive, divided by the number that were disease positive, times 100.24 The specificity of a test indicates how well a test excludes disease negatives (ie, those without the condition, such as dehydration). Brandon CA. A urine specific gravity test compares the density of urine to the density of water. However, the persons urine is not always perfect. Bland-Altman plot for refractometry and reagent strips. What is the corrected value? The refractometer is a good tool, but it is important to remember that it measures the refractive index of the total solution, not the cutting fluid concentrate. The N-MULTISTIX 10 SG Reagent Strips (Miles Laboratories, Inc, Elkhart, IN) have a specific-gravity scale ranging from 1.000 to 1.030, with color blocks in intervals of 0.005 units. Finally, analysis of the data in Table Table11 and Figure Figure55 reveals that reagent-strip measurements were not consistent between trials for the testers or among testers. Urinalysis can be done at home using a urine strip test readily available in the leading pharmacy or in a laboratory setting. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This may reflect tester subjectivity and the difficulty in determining the density-indicating meniscus. Which country first recognized Pakistan in UNO? A urinalysis or urine test is a non-invasive procedure to check for the composition of urine, which is helpful in detecting some types of medical conditions like diabetes, urinary tract infection, and kidney-related diseases, to name a few. 402 Los Olivos, Lima. First, place an empty graduated cylinder on a balance, determine its mass and record the value under the Density of Water: Data Table. advantages of refractometer compared to urinometer 2022 In one tertiary care facility, nurses used the refractometer to test urine specific gravity and the reagent strip to test for other substances. It might not always lead to accurate results because the color changes are time sensitive. A dipstick is a thin plastic stick with a strip covered with chemicals. Specific gravity continues to be the most common unit for reporting total solids concentration. Clean with distilled water and dry with a soft non-abrasive cloth. It can be done through the following ways: Image 4: A urine testing strip using a dipstick. WebRefractometers are especially useful for determining urine specific gravity on veterinary samples because they require relatively small sample volumes. It is more of a qualitative test than a quantitative one. 2) Hold the urinometer float by the top and slowly insert it into the cylinder. Catch at least two ounces of urine into the container. i. Refractometer: determines the concentration of the dissolved particles in the specimen by measuring the refractive index. What is the difference between HSI and Hscei? Finally, Dorizzi and Caputo18 compared 2 different reagent strips with refractometry in 1725 urine samples from hospital inpatients and outpatients and reported correlation coefficients of only r = .663 and r = .514. Refractometers - Innovating Around the Edges! False negatives occurred to a lesser extent with the hydrometer (2%) and reagent strips (9%). The health care provider uses a dipstick made with a color-sensitive pad. These include red blood cells, white blood cells, and epithelial cells. Another possible source may be variation in the biuret reagent mixture and assay conditions. A false negative was defined as a measurement by the hydrometer or reagent strip indicating euhydration (value did not exceed 1.020), when the refractometer indicated dehydration (value exceeded 1.020). What are the advantages of using a refractometer compared to a urinometer?-A refractometer determines the concentration of dissolved particles in a specimen by measuring refractive index. 2 What are the advantages of refractometry? Twenty-one National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III collegiate wrestlers provided fresh urine samples. FOIA This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A Laboratory Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology. Intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated between methods and trials. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Make sure you submit a fresh urine sample. Blood and urinary measures of hydration status during progressive acute dehydration. Zack JF., Jr Evaluation of a specific gravity test strip. Some solutes, such as acetone, may cause false increases in specific gravity by refractometry, as they increase refraction but are less dense than water. Urine samples greater than 60 mL were measured in an Assistant Urinprober hydrometer (model 242; Sondheim/Rhon, Germany), which is graduated in intervals of 0.001 units with a scale ranging from 1.000 to 1.060. Adams LJ. doi: 10.6620/ZS.2018.57-11. 3 Which is better hydrometer or refractometer? The reading should be done within a few minutes. The urinometer, a type of hydrometer, was used for measuring the specific gravity of urine. (7, 8, and 9). What are the advantages of using a refractometer instead of other Hydrometer measurements were consistently greater than refractometry measurements (mean difference = 0.002 0.003) (Figure (Figure1).1). 2019 Nov 11;19(22):4911. doi: 10.3390/s19224911. The subjects provided written informed consent, and the study was approved by the institution's institutional review board. Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. The validity of hydrometry and reagent strips was assessed by comparison with refractometry, the criterion measure for urine specific gravity. Posted on May 31, 2022 by May 31, 2022 by Search. It is a ratio of the velocity of light in air to the velocity of light in solution, and is directly proportional to the number of dissolved solids in urine. The refractometer reading will let you know the relationship between your viscometer read-out and the actual solids. The method trial tester interaction was significant (F6,160 = 4.085, P = .0008) (Table (Table1).1). Your email address will not be published. Place the cylinder on the lab bench and read the volume of the water using the bottom of the meniscus and the volume makings on the cylinder. Testing was done before the start of the wrestling season, and subjects had not exercised within 24 hours of testing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The NCAA selected urine specific gravity as the most practical, cost-efficient hydration measure to use during the weight-certification process.4. This was expected because a key disadvantage of reagent strips is that the visual interpretation of color change on the reagent strip often is difficult and very subjective. Refractometer: determines the concentration of the dissolved particles in the specimen by measuring the refractive index. advantages of refractometer compared to urinometer. In addition to concluding that reagent strips cannot replace refractometry, these researchers also reported that urine glucose and protein had no effect on reagent-strip specific-gravity measurements. A spectrophotometer is a machine used to determine the absorbance of light at any given wavelength. A refractometer can be affected by particle size, temperature, and concentration of the solution as well as light wavelength. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Does the dipstick meet medical needs for urine specific gravity?

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advantages of refractometer compared to urinometer

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