jujube tree root system

Sci. Multiomics-based analysis for the molecular formation mechanisms of some important traits. Research status of jujube processing technology at home and abroad. Bring to a moderate boil and simmer for 20 minutes, let cool, then boil for another 20 minutes. Genome-wide identification and analysis of MAPK and MAPKK gene family in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). (7) Nontraditional research fields: integrating the whole industry chain, the new fields of value-added products, related advanced technologies, and technical standards. Among them, stimulating sucker propagation by cutting off the roots at the periphery of the vertical projection of the canopy and separating fasciculate suckers can increase the reproductive coefficient, while gathering and nurturing the suckers in a nursery can greatly improve the quality of the root system. Given the demands of the new era, the development tendencies of the modern fruit industry and the new technologies available, jujube research in China is facing a series of important challenges. What Makes a Root Produce a Sucker? and wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) CAB International, Wallingford, p 276, Zamora DS, Jose S, Nair PKR, Ramsey CL (2006) Interspecific competition in a pecan-cotton alleycropping system in the southern United States: production physiology. Period. J. Hort. Sin.20, 8691 (1987). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Converting dehydroascorbic acid to AsA (vitamin C) resolved the bottleneck problem in the determination of dehydroascorbic acid, and accurate determination methods for the two kinds of vitamin C in jujube were finalized141,143. Huang, J. et al. Its fruit is smooth and bright, like a large red pearl. Jujube is a tree that produces a date-like fruit. Jiang, H. & Liu, M. Studies on polyploid induction of Chinese jujube with colchicine. A postharvest physiological study revealed the main factors influencing fruit preservation in jujube115. cv. It has unique branch and bud characteristics, i.e., usually only the primary shoots can extend, the dormant buds have a very long life, the secondary shoots die back naturally each, the mother-bearing shoots can only extend by ~1mm per year, and the bearing shoots fall off in the fall. These techniques effectively solve the problem of a short supply period for open field cultivation and can increases revenues by 35 times. Agrofor Syst 80:117129, Droppelmann KJ, Ephrath JE, Berliner PR (2000) Tree/crop complementarity in an arid zone runoff agroforestry system in northern Kenya. Shi, Q. et al. Planting: Dig a hole big enough to accommodate the root system. Sci. The jujube tree is the main cash crop and wheat is a primary food crop and both are harvested once a year in south Xinjiang. How to Grow a Jujube Tree. Sin.43, 966974 (2016). Neolithic charred fruits and pits of jujube unearthed in Peiligang, Mixian County, Henan Province, China, indicate that Chinese people had begun to pick and use jujubes and domesticate jujube trees at least 7240 years ago. Acta Hortic. Liu, Z. et al. Mao, Y. et al. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Structures and immunological activities of two pectic polysaccharides from the fruits of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Jujube fruits are eaten fresh, dried, boiled, stewed, and baked and are used to flavour tea. Biotechnol.94, 123129 (2019). The biological characteristics of jujube are basically understood1. The evapotranspiration of jujube root zone was calcu lated by water . Sci. Analysis of QTL for needle length in Chinese jujube. (2) The modern and highly efficient breeding system is still not fully established, and it is difficult to meet the demands of accelerated cultivar development. Sin.20, 305306 (1993). Eur. & Wang, C. Study on respiration type of Chinese jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). Our study was conducted to apply root pruning to test whether it can effectively inhibit the vigorous vegetative growth by regulating the competitive ability of the root system for water and nutrients. Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin (2013). trees51, 810 (2019). When I planted my Jujube as a bare root tree, I chopped it down to knee height about 2 feet tall and it finished the summer around 9 feet. sending out suckers 30' feet away) so my main question is this: Are the roots strong enough to move/. It can be seen that jujube fruit can meet the marketers demand for profits and risk avoidance. The raw fruits are high in vitamin C. Most are varieties of the common jujube (Z. jujuba), native to China, where they have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. All authors added information and revised the paper. To date, a total of ~930 jujube genotypes have been preserved, accounting for at least 90% of the total jujube genotypes in the world. HortScience53, 609612 (2018). & Tian, C. Study on the effect of the different heating processes on the quality of the Chinese date. Bi, J., Yu, J., Bai, S., Wang, P. & Ding, Y. Propagation is by seeds, although the commercial varieties must be propagated vegetatively by suckers, root cuttings, or grafting. jujube, either of two species of small spiny trees of the genus Ziziphus (family Rhamnaceae) and their fruit. China Fruits6, 5153 (2017). Google Scholar, Cao FL, Kimmins JP, Wang JR (2012) Competitive interactions in ginkgo and crop species mixed agroforestry systems in Jiangsu, China. Liang, C., Zhao, J. Lizao on Ziziphus rootstock) tree plantations have been planted densely to increase income, with a spacing of 3 m between tree rows and 2 m between trees in rows. In addition, Hebei Agricultural University collected and preserved ~200 accessions of sour jujube germplasm and some other species of the Ziziphus genus, such as Z. mauritiana Lam., Z. spina-christi Willd, and Z. nummularia Burm. Jujube benefits the body in its ability to support sleep and gut health. in Chinese Dates a Traditional Functional Food (eds Liu, D., Ye, X. However, there is little information about the response of jujube roots to the change from flood irrigation to drip . Water thoroughly and keep the pot in partial shade for the first few weeks to minimize transplant shock, then move to a location with full sun. A total of 23,996 genes (73% of the total annotated genes) were allocated on the 12 pseudochromosomes. Dicianu, E. D., Ivan, E. ., Jerca, I. O., Ciceoi, R. & Stnic, F. Morphometric and phytopathological analysis of Romanian jujube fruits during the storage period. Technol.33, 396402 (2015). Qi, Y. Technol.226, 985989 (2008). Spatial distribution of root length density (RLD, cm 125 cm) in a jujube trees grown alone for 5 years, b 5-year-old jujube trees intercropped with wheat, c jujube tree grown alone for 7 . Farm Prod. Study on cultivated model of high efficiency and cultivated techniques for Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv Dongzao in Dali. intercropping of cotton/9-year-old jujube trees. Agrofor Syst 48:6177, Jose S, Gillespie AR, Pallardy SG (2004) Interspecific interactions in temperate agroforestry. It is expected to become one of the most promising fruit trees in the arid and semiarid regions of the world. Bot.165, 92107 (2019). Meanwhile, the expansion of the MDHAR gene family contributes to AsA regeneration. & Liu, M. Discussion about the scientific name of Chinese jujube and wild jujube. In the years to come, jujube research can focus on the following eight aspects: (1) Multiomics analysis of the formation mechanisms of the important unique traits of jujube to provide a solid foundation for molecular breeding, high-efficiency cultivation, and high-nutrition processing. have been excavated and utilized, which has greatly promoted the rapid development of the jujube industry. showed that the percentage of healthy fruit and the edible rate of Dongzao jujube stored at 2C for 100 days were 7.4% and 20.2% higher than those of jujube stored at 0C125. CAS The third is The Illustrated Germplasm Resources of Jujube55, in which pictures and research data for 250 cultivars (57 table jujubes, 80 for dehydration, 82 for both dehydration and fresh eating, 17 for processing, and 14 ornamental varieties) were obtained from the National Chinese Jujube Repository (Taigu, Shanxi). Xiao, J. et al. The established germplasm platforms include the following: (1) Internet Information System for Perennial and Asexual Crop Germplasm Resources (http://www.ziyuanpu.net.cn/), which includes the data observed for many years at the National Jujube Repository in Taigu, Shanxi, China; (2) Chinese Crop Germplasm Resources Information Systemjujube (http://www.cgris.net/query/croplist.php), where germplasm checking and analysis can be performed; and. Cent. for jujube products to respond to the demands of different international markets and especially of large distribution channels. The fruits are smaller and not so sweet. Liu, Q. J. Ploidy segregation and pure tetraploid acquirement from mixoploid (2x + 4x) Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Sci. The second is Germplasm Resources of Chinese Jujube10, which recorded 1033 accessions of jujube (Z. jujuba Mill. Plant Genet. (China Forestry Publishing House, 2013). Agric Res Arid Areas 30:230236, Livesley SJ, Gregory PJ, Buresh RJ (2000) Competition in tree-row agroforestry systems. Plant Soil 227:149161, Article Benefiting from late bud sprouting (~20 days later than peach), late flowering (June in North China) and a 2-month flowering period, jujube avoids late frosts and biennial bearing. Twenty-four million years ago, jujube trees appeared in Northern China10. Agrofor Syst 31:181198, Schroth G, Poidy N, Morshauser T, Zech W (1995) Effects of different methods of soil tillage and biomass application on crop yields and soil properties in agroforestry with high tree competition. Su, C., Liu, X., Yan, C., Bai., X. It . var. In particular, the use of sour jujube seeds, rather than pits, to obtain rootstocks has become the mainstream method; using this method, the seedlings grow faster and more uniformly than in rootstocks obtained from pits2. Moreover, they cannot be adapted to large-scale, mechanized, and labor-saving operations in the future, nor can they meet the demands for high-quality, safe, and high-end products. Wu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, M. & Qian, J. Acta Hortic.840, 259262 (2008). The major requirements to meet farmers needs are reducing inputs, increasing output and accelerating economic returns. J. (1) Fundamental research is still weak, and the role of research in supporting major technological innovations is not strong enough. Development of chloroplast microsatellite markers and analysis of chloroplast diversity in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) In: Ong CK, Huxley P (eds) Treecrop interactions: a physiological approach. Xue, C. et al. Sin.33, 687 (2006). Ser. J. In addition, triploids of Jinsixiaozao, Yuanlingzao, and Changhongzao have been created by endosperm culture, but no new cultivar has been released82. Therefore, the development of jujube can make efficient use of marginal lands, improve the environment, and provide farmers in rural regions with an agricultural industry that is easy to manage and provides high revenues. These factors included the culture media, inoculation methods, removal or maintenance of the seed coat, combination of growth regulators, and concentrations of lactalbumin hydrolysate, activated carbon, and sucrose86,87,88. Changing host photosynthetic, carbohydrate and energy metabolisms play important roles in phytoplasma infection. affirmed Ziziphus (rather than Zizyphus), Z. jujuba Mill. This work was supported by grants from the Significant Fund of Hebei Province Natural Science Foundation (grant number C2017204114), the National Science and Technology Support Plan of China (2019YFD1001605), the National Ten Thousand Talents Plan Leadership Project, and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission (CEFF-PXM2019_014207_000099). This chapter focuses on the disease management using antibiotics and resistant . var. Acta Hortic. Huang, W., Wang, S. & Guo, H. Advances on cutting propagation techniques of Chinese jujube. Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding (2017). and JavaScript. Jour. Internet Explorer). Peng, Y. Fruit. and wild jujube. Only approximately ten of them cause severe yield and quality losses, such as peach fruit moth, jujube inchworm, Ancylis sativa Liu, Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, jujube rust, jujube witches broom, and fruit cracking. Agric Water Manag 87:6172, Rao MR, Sharma MM, Ong CK (1990) A study of the potential of hedge row intercropping in semi-arid India using a two-way systematic design. spinosa plants from leaf explants. Three emasculation-free methods have been developed based on the discovery of two typical male-sterile germplasms and a group of self-fruitless/self-sterile germplasms that can replace male sterility42,43, which effectively overcame the key obstacle to artificial emasculation in jujube. Preliminary study on in vitro culture of shoot segment in Chinese jujube. Hortic Res 7, 119 (2020). Sci.24, 487491 (2007). The crisp white pulp surrounds a single large pointed stone. Zhang, C., Huang, J., Yin, X., Lian, C. & Li, X. Jujube Tree Roots Chin. Sci. and Z. acidojujuba Liu et Cheng67,68. Agrofor Syst 60:167179, Yin R, He Q (1997) The spatial and temporal effects of Paulownia intercropping: the case of northern China. M.L. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Acta Hortic.853, 163170 (2010). In the past 30 years, a total of ~200 new cultivars with large fruit, good fruit quality, high resistance to diseases, and varying uses and maturity times were released through polyploid breeding or selection from seedlings, bud mutants, and local germplasms2. Method 3: is a universal technology free of emasculation, i.e., covering the parents with nets to keep away unexpected pollen donors, pollinating by bees inside the nets, and identifying the hybrids with molecular markers84. Chen, Y. L. & Schirarend, C. Rhamnaceae. Acta Hortic. Liu, M. The challenges and countermeasures of jujube industry during transition period. Later, another jujube genome and the chloroplast genome sequencing of four Ziziphus species were published15,16. J. Agric. Some gene families involved in phytoplasma and cold stress and flower and fruit development were identified and analyzed at the genome level22,23,24,32,33,34. Genetic engineering has also made some advances, but these applications are not yet fully developed. Most species belong to Sect. At 7240 years ago, the domestication of jujube trees started1. For. Qu et al. Sin.26, 302308 (1999). Cross-breeding, the most powerful breeding method for fruit trees, has not been successfully utilized in jujube. & Liu, M. Callus induction and plant regeneration from anther walls in Ziziphus jujuba Mill.

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