facts about bathyarchaeota

Bathyarchaeota is of great interest to microbial ecologists for its wide distribution, high abundance, and diversity, as well as its potential ability to degrade detrital organic matter in aquatic environments and drive global elements cycling . The product, acetate, would then be used by acetate-consuming SRB to benefit the thermodynamic efficiency of AOM. The clear growth stimulus and lignin-related 13C-bicarbonate incorporation into lipids strongly suggests that Bathyarchaeota (Subgroup-8) may be able to use the second-most abundant biopolymer lignin on Earth (Yuetal.2018). Genomic inferences from SAGs and genome-resolved metagenomic bins provide further genomic support for the heterotrophic lifestyle of Bathyarchaeota, rendering them capable of adapting to various environments and becoming one of the most successful lineages globally (Fig. Considering that the marine subseafloor environment is one of the largest reservoirs of the prokaryotic biomass on Earth, with an estimated microbial abundance of 2.9 1029 cells and harboring ca 9.131.5% of all prokaryotes on Earth (Kallmeyeretal.2012), the predominance and activity of Bathyarchaeota in the marine subsurface sediments indicates that these microbes might play a crucial role in global biogeochemical nutrient cycling. Until now, 25 subgroups have been identified in the Bathyarchaeota. This study is also a contribution to the Deep Carbon Observatory. Logares R, Brate J, Bertilsson S et al. On the other hand, because of the bidirectionality of these enzymes in methane metabolism (Boetiusetal.2000; Knittel and Boetius 2009), it is still possible that some members of Bathyarchaeota are involved in anaerobic methane oxidation. Fillol M, Auguet J-C, Casamayor EO et al. Metabolic potential of Bathyarchaeota and their interactive relationships with other microorganisms. A model based on the thermodynamic considerations of chemicals and temperatures may be used to offer a framework linking the distribution of microbial groups and energy landscapes (Amendetal.2011; LaRowe and Amend 2014; Dahleetal.2015). Bathyarchaeota, formerly known as the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group, is a phylum of global generalists that are widespread in anoxic sediments, which host relatively high abundance archaeal communities. FA conc. Based on the lineage distribution pattern analysis of the archaeal community of seven major eco-niches, it is also evident that the different evolutionary lineages are habitat-specific, and salinity rather than temperature is the primary driving force of the variation of global archaea distribution, with a similar pattern also evident for the global bacterial distribution (Lozupone and Knight 2007; Auguet, Barberan and Casamayor 2010). Furthermore, in contrast to the consistent vertical distribution of all archaeal lineages in freshwater sediments with almost no abundance changes, the total abundance of all Bathyarchaeota and the fraction of Subgroup-15 increase along with the depths of sediments, with significantly high abundance within the archaeal community (Liuetal.2014). The Distribution of Bathyarchaeota in Surface Sediments During the enriching process with lignin addition, the Subgroup-8 abundance climbed over 10 times compared with the initial stage and became the most dominant archaeal species. High-throughput sequencing of the archaeal communities and the analysis of the relationship between the distribution pattern of bathyarchaeotal subgroups and the physicochemical parameters of study sites revealed that sediment depth and sulfate concentration were important environmental factors that shape the distribution of bathyarchaeotal subgroups; Subgroup-8 was shown to be predominantly distributed in the reducing and deeper sediment layers, while Subgroup-10 was preferentially distributed in the relatively more oxidizing and shallow sediment layers (Yuetal.2017). Because of the universal distribution and predominance of Bathyarchaeota, not only in the marine sediments but also in terrestrial sediments and various other eco-niches, and because of their versatile metabolism (including acetogenesis, methane metabolism, and dissimilatory nitrate and sulfate reduction) and potential interactions with ANME archaea, acetoclastic methanogens and heterotrophic bacteria, the ecological importance of this group of generalists has entered the limelight and needs further exploration. Bathyarchaeia occurrence in rich methane sediments from Based on the physiological and genomic evidence, acetyl-coenzyme A-centralized heterotrophic pathways of energy conservation have been proposed to function in Bathyarchaeota; these microbes are able to anaerobically utilize (i) detrital proteins, (ii) polymeric carbohydrates, (iii) fatty acids/aromatic compounds, (iv) methane (or short chain alkane) and methylated compounds, and/or (v) potentially other organic matter. Ta stands for qPCR annealing temperature, Ta,e stands for annealing and extension temperature of two-step qPCR. The versatile metabolic properties of Bathyarchaeota, including acetogenesis, methane cycling, potential photosynthesis, and dissimilatory nitrite and sulfate reduction, etc., indicate that their ecological and phylogenetic characteristics are quite diverse, and given their basal phylogenetic position at the root of archaea, the evolutionary paths of those capabilities are also of great meaning for understanding the evolution of early life (Evansetal.2015; Heetal.2016; Lazaretal.2016; Zhangetal.2016). Recent data point to the global occurrence of Bathyarchaeota and their potential impact on global carbon transformation, highlighting their important role as a group of global generalists participating in carbon cycling, similar to euryarchaeotal methanogens and Thaumarchaeota. facts about bathyarchaeota with 12C-acetate added); this indicated that the acetate might participate in microbial biosynthesis rather than being used for energy production (Naetal.2015). Hence, Bathyarchaeota acquired the core heterotrophic metabolic capacity for processing complex carbohydrates, and an additional ability to utilize peptides and amino acids, as suggested before (Seyler, McGuinness and Kerkhof 2014). Among these are Subgroups-1 and -8 with high IndVal values in marine sediments, and Subgroups-5 and -11 with high IndVal values in fresh sediments (Filloletal.2016). The metagenomic binning of WOR estuarine sediment DNA led to the reconstruction of draft genomes of four widespread Bathyarchaeota, with the genome completeness in the range of 4898% (Lazaretal.2016). The Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group (MCG) archaea were firstly detected from a hot spring (Barnsetal.1996) and later proposed with a name in a study surveying 16S rRNA gene sequences from marine subsurface sediments (Inagakietal.2003). However, Lokiarchaeota and most members of the Bathyarchaeota phylum lack the essential methane metabolizing elements, such as CoB or CoM synthase and methyl-CoM reductase, etc., though they use H4MPT as the C1-carrier, which is common in methanogens. The diversity of bathyarchaeotal community turns out to be similar in the four cultivation treatments (basal medium, addition of an amino acid mix, H2-CO2 headspace and initial aerobic treatment). (2012) demonstrated that the developed primers and probes result in poor coverage of Subgroups-13 to -17. WebArchaea (/ r k i / ar-KEE-; singular archaeon / r k i n /) is a domain of single-celled organisms.These microorganisms lack cell nuclei and are therefore prokaryotes.Archaea were initially classified as bacteria, receiving the name archaebacteria (in the Archaebacteria kingdom), but this term has fallen out of use.. Archaeal cells have In a recent study exploring the stratified distribution of archaeal groups in a tropical water column, the analysis of archaeal 16S rRNA community distribution was combined with isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipid abundance information to reveal that glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether lacking the cyclopentane rings [GDGT(0)] likely originated from the Bathyarchaeota-enriched layer in the water column (Bucklesetal.2013). The distinct bathyarchaeotal subgroups diverged to adapt to marine and freshwater environments. is bathyarchaeota multicellular. Furthermore, another study demonstrated that the archaeal communities of the sulfatemethane transition zone at diffusion-controlled sediments of Aarhus Bay (Denmark) contain considerable amounts of Bathyarchaeota; the overall archaeal community structure did not change greatly during the experimentits diversity was lower after 6 months of incubation under heterotrophic conditions, with periodic modest sulfate and acetate additions (Websteretal.2011). It is known that a methane microbiome can be established in methane seeps sites; however, they are still poorly characterised. In this process, methane is not assimilated by Bathyarchaeota but serves as an energy source. The 13C-depleted nature of butanetriol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers found in the study implied that members of Bathyarchaeota might be autotrophs or fueled by 13C-depleted organic substrates (Meadoretal.2015). Primers and probes for molecular detection and quantification of Bathyarchaeota subgroups. Genomic fragments of the fosmid clone 75G8 harbor a putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein- and 4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase-encoding genes, suggesting that this bathyarchaeotal member (Subgroup-8) is able to utilize aromatic compounds. Given the diverse and complex phylogeny of the Bathyarchaeota (Kuboetal.2012; Filloletal.2016), the occurrence of commonly shared physiological and metabolic properties in different lineages seems unlikely, with the evolutionary diversification of bathyarchaeotal lineages largely driven by the adaptation to various environmental conditions and available carbon and energy sources, etc. Later on, members of Bathyarchaeota were also found to be abundant in deep marine subsurface sediments (Reedetal.2002; Inagakietal.2003), suggesting that this group of archaea is not restricted to terrestrial environments, and the name has been changed to MCG archaea (Inagakietal.2003). For example, Bathyarchaeota dominates the archaeal community within Louisiana continental shelf (LCS) surface sediment, in both hypoxic and oxic covering water conditions in two distinct seasons (Devereuxetal.2015). All sequences were aligned using SINA v1.2.11 (vision 21227) with SSU ARB database version 128, and poorly aligned columns (gaps in 50% or more of the sequences) were deleted by using trimAl v1.4.rev15 (Ludwigetal.2004; Capella-Gutirrez, Silla-Martnez and Gabaldn 2009; Pruesse, Peplies and Gloeckner 2012). Moreover, with the rapid development and application of 16S rRNA-based high-throughput sequencing techniques for microbial ecological profiling, and 16S rRNA-independent microbial metagenomic profiling that avoids the issue of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer bias, a much clearer distribution pattern of diverse bathyarchaeotal subgroups can be expected; at the same time, higher resolution of local physicochemical characteristics will facilitate classification of ecological niches of bathyarchaeotal subgroups into more detailed geochemical categories. Biddle JF, Fitz-Gibbon S, Schuster SC et al. According to the meta-analysis of archaeal sequences available in the ARB SILVA database (Kuboetal.2012), Bathyarchaeota was further recognized as a group of global generalists dwelling in various environments, including marine sediments, hydrothermal vents, tidal flat and estuary sediments, hypersaline sediments, terrestrial subsurface, biomats, limnic water and sediments, underground aquifers, hot springs, soils, municipal wastewaters, animal digestive tract, etc. On the other hand, the proportion of bathyarchaeotal sequence in the total archaeal community sequence increases with depth, and they may favor anoxic benthic sediments with iron-reducing conditions. (2017) investigated the bathyarchaeotal community in two sediment cores from the South China Sea; the authors revealed a direct strong positive correlation between bathyarchaeotal 16S rRNA gene abundance and total organic carbon content along the core depth, suggesting an overall heterotrophic lifestyle of Bathyarchaeota in the South China Sea. Archaebacteria Facts - Softschools.com More recently, Heetal. Genome labels are according to panel (B). On the other hand, the subgroups MCG-18 and MCG-19 were also named in Fillol et al.s research (Filloletal.2016). Considering the relative abundance of lineages in the separated leaves, Bathyarchaeota accounted for the greatest proportion of lineage variance in the freshwater and saline environments. Genes responsible for the dissimilatory nitrite reduction to ammonium (nirB and nrfD) were identified in Subgroups-1, -17 (formally Subgroup-7/17), -6 and -15, respectively, suggesting the potential existence of a respiratory pathway involving nitrite reduction (Lazaretal.2016). (ii) Similar 13C signatures of the archaeal biomass and total organic carbon suggest that the organic matter assimilation contributes to the bulk of the archaeal biomass; the relatively small 13C signature of the archaeal biomass in comparison with the dissolved inorganic carbon suggests that only a small amount of archaeal biomass is derived from autotrophic CO2 fixation (Biddleetal.2006). It has been suggested that Bathyarchaeota is one of the cosmopolitan groups frequently detected in the freshwater and marine sediments (68% of all sediments analyzed), accounting for a large proportion of the sediment microbial communities (average 36 22%) (Filloletal.2016). Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, People's Republic of China, Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology and Toxicology, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong SAR, People's Republic of China. Yuetal. WebBathyarchaeota dominated the archaeal interaction network with 82% nodes, 96% edges, and 71% keystone species. 4) (Evansetal.2015; Heetal.2016; Lazaretal.2016). Anantharaman K, Brown CT, Hug LA et al. It also contains typical methane metabolism genes (hdrABC and mvhADG) but lacks hdrE, similar to Methanomassiliicoccales genomes (Evansetal.2015). A segregated distribution of bathyarchaeotal subgroups was also observed in the water column and sediments in freshwater karstic lakes (Filloletal.2015). The current genomic and physiological information of these subgroups also suggests their potential ecological strategies and functions in specific habitats, further highlighting their important roles in global biogeochemical cycling (Xiangetal.2017). Metagenomic sequencing of fracture fluid from South Africa recovered a nearly complete " Candidatus Bathyarchaeota" archaeon genome. This approach revealed that the separation of subgroups according to saline and anoxic levels could explain 13% of the phylogenetic lineage variance. Although the Pta-Ack pathway has been previously identified in the methanogenic genus Methanosarcina, it was shown that the encoding pta-ack gene pair might be derived from a horizontal transfer of genes of bacterial origin (Fournier and Gogarten 2008). In some flange subsamples, Bathyarchaeota were even more dominant than ANME; however, compared with the well-studied metabolism of ANME, the exact function of Bathyarchaeota in that ecological setting remains unknown. Considering the ubiquity and frequent predominance of Bathyarchaeota in marine sediments, as well as the high abundance and potential activity of extracellular peptidases that they encode, it has been proposed that Bathyarchaeota may play a previously undiscovered role in protein remineralization in anoxic marine sediments. Newberry CJ, Webster G, Cragg BA et al. To compare the coverage and specificity of analysis using the qPCR primer pairs MCG242dF/MCG678R and MCG528F/MCG732R for freshwater and marine sediment samples, amplicons obtained with these two primer pairs were analyzed and community structures compared (Filloletal.2015). The branching order of Subgroups-13 to -17 was unstable when analyzed by different tree-construction methods, and they were presented as multifurcated branches. Genomic expansion of archaeal lineages resolved from deep Phylogenetic analysis of the Pta and Ack coding sequences in He et al.s study revealed that these genes form a monophyletic clade and are different from all other know sequences, indicating that they evolved independently of the currently known bacterial counterparts (Heetal.2016). The group was termed miscellaneous because of its occurrence in diverse habitats; it is not only abundant in marine sediments but is also widely distributed in terrestrial, freshwater, hot spring, hydrothermal, etc., environments (Kuboetal.2012). masc. Td stands for dissociation temperature for RNA slot-bolt. This method has been used to target the bathyarchaeotal 16S rRNA gene with specific probes, providing information on the active bathyarchaeotal community without culturing (Table 1). Viral Host. Recently, two more bathyarchaeotal fosmid clones were screened from estuarine mangrove sediments (Mengetal.2014). Surprisingly, these genes fall closely to the Bathyarchaeota mcr genes. Meanwhile, the ability to utilize a wide variety of substrates could have allowed Bathyarchaeota to avoid a direct competition with other substrate specialists, such as methanogens and sulfate reducers; in contrast, organic matter degradation to generate acetate might be more energetically favorable for Bathyarchaeota than for other bacterial acetogens, as the former do not need to invest in ATP to activate formate; subsequently, Bathyarchaeota plays the role of active carbon transformers, especially in the subsurface sediments, to fuel the heterotrophy and acetoclastic methanogenesis processes and facilitate coupled carbon cycling (Fig. The potential AOM metabolic capacity of Bathyarchaeota could help to fully address the isotopic relationship between the archaeal biomass and the ambient environmental carbon pools, as follows. lipid and amino acid synthesis (Fig. Membrane lipids are an informative indicator of the distribution and activity of living microbial cells, independently of their culturing (Sturtetal.2004; Jacquemetetal.2009; Lipp, Liu and Hinrichs 2009). Bathyarchaeota is characterized by high intragroup diversity, with most subgroups showing within-sequence similarity <92% (Kuboetal.2012; Filloletal.2016). (2016) demonstrated that half of the bathyarchaeotal genomes encode a set of phosphate acetyltransferase (Pta) and acetate kinase (Ack) for acetate production or assimilation, usually observed in bacteria. This will have a profound impact not only on deciphering the metabolic properties of Bathyarchaeota, by using butanetriol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers as biomarkers to trace carbon acquisition by isotopic labeling, but also by representing their pivotal contribution, associated with their global abundance, to biogeochemical carbon cycling on a large ecological scale. pl. The phylum Bathyarchaeota, which has high species and functional diversity, is abundant and widespread in marine sediments. It is well known that isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids are specifically synthesized by archaea. 1) (Heetal.2016; Lazaretal.2016). The gene for cytoplasmic flavin adenine dinucleotide-containing dehydrogenase (glcD) co-located with hdrD, indicating that BA1 uses lactate to reduce heterodisulfide in methanogenesis. It is one of the predominant groups in the marine subsurface archaeal community (Fryetal.2008; Teske and Srensen 2008; Lloydetal.2013). The currently available bathyarchaeotal genomes shared 63.5% similarity on average, indicating a wide phylogenetic diversity at the genome scale (Fig. Bathyarchaeia occurrence in rich methane sediments However, the ecological knowledge of Bathyarchaeota is limited in peatland ecosystems. ( 2012) conducted a comprehensive analysis of the biogeographical distribution of Bathyarchaeota and found that it was the dominant archaeal population in anoxic, low-activity subsurface sediments. Bathyarchaeota, reflecting its phylogenetic position as deeply branching with Aigarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota, and its prevalence in subsurface sediments (Mengetal.2014). Taxonomy browser (Candidatus Bathyarchaeota) - National However, according to the genomic information on most archaeal acetogens and bathyarchaeotal genomic bins obtained by Lazaretal. Second, determining whether the methane cycling capacity is confined to certain subgroups or whether numerous subgroups or lineages are capable of methane cycling, and if so, the nature of their shared evolutionary or genomic characteristics, is of utmost importance. Given that they are abundant, globally distributed and phylogenetically diverse, continued exploration of new potential bathyarchaeotal subgroups is encouraged. The results indicate that the phylum Bathyarchaeota shares a core set of metabolic pathways, including protein degradation, glycolysis, and the reductive acetyl More recently, acetogenesis, a metabolic process deemed to be restricted to the domain bacteria, was also suggested to take place in some lineages of Bathyarchaeota (Heetal.2016; Lazaretal.2016), expanding the metabolic potential of archaea. Bathyarchaeota occupied about 60% of the total archaea in the Jiulong River, China (Li et al. The Bathyarchaeota formerly known as the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group is an evolutionarily diverse group of microorganisms found in a wide range of Two highly abundant MCR variants were detected in Ca. First, successful enrichment methods that would allow harvesting sufficient bathyarchaeotal biomass to explore their physiological and genomic characteristics have not yet been established. To cover all bathyarchaeotal subgroups that are characterized by high intragroup diversity while retaining bathyarchaeotal sequence specificity is necessary but challenging. As suggested by the classification of uncultured archaea based on nearly full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences, the bathyarchaeotal sequence boundary falls into the minimum sequence identity range of phylum level (74.9579.9%), and each subgroup generally falls into the median sequence identity range of family and order levels (91.6592.9% and 88.2590.1%, respectively) (Yarzaetal.2014). These indicative subgroups are the dominant ones in the environment, as evaluated by relatively abundant fraction of Bathyarchaeota in corresponding archaeal communities (on average 44% among all studies). Bathyarchaeota was the most abundant archaeal phylum in most samples, accounting for 13.8164.14% of archaeal sequences (Fig. With respect to its function, the protein might be responsible for photosynthesis in archaea; this suggests that photosynthesis may have evolved before the divergence of the bacteria and archaea domains (Mengetal.2009; Lietal.2012). Tree building intermediate files are publicly available (https://github.com/ChaoLab/Bathy16Stree). Zhichao Zhou, Jie Pan, Fengping Wang, Ji-Dong Gu, Meng Li, Bathyarchaeota: globally distributed metabolic generalists in anoxic environments, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, Volume 42, Issue 5, September 2018, Pages 639655, https://doi.org/10.1093/femsre/fuy023. No methane metabolism genes were recovered from bathyarchaeotal genomic bins or any contigs from the WOR estuarine sediments, in contrast to an earlier study (Evansetal.2015). 3). Within Bathyarchaeota, the sequences were classified into six subclades according to . The central product, acetyl-CoA, would either (i) be involved in substrate-level phosphorylation to generate acetate and ATP, catalyzed by an ADP-forming acetyl-CoA synthase as in other peptide-degrading archaea; (ii) be metabolized to generate acetate through the Pta-Ack pathway, similarly to bona fide bacterial homoacetogens; or (iii) be utilized for biosynthesis, e.g. (Fig. Multiple genomic and physiological traits of these microorganisms have been coming to light in recent decades with the advent of stable isotope labeling and metagenomic profiling methods. Furthermore, a principal coordinate analysis also clearly separates the bathyarchaeotal community into freshwater and saline sediment groups. Bathyarchaeota was initially proposed to form a distinct cluster closely related to Aigarchaeota and hyperthermophilic Crenarchaeota; because of their terrestrial origin (Barnsetal.1996) (such as freshwater lakes and hot springs), the name Terrestrial MCG was temporarily proposed (Takaietal.2001). Metagenomic evidence of sulfate reductase-encoding genes in the upper region of SMTZ of the OPD site 1229 provides more hints to the potential synergistic metabolism of AOM coupled with sulfate reduction (Biddleetal.2008). Lineage (full): cellular organisms; Archaea; TACK group. Several pre-/non-enriched sediment cultures afforded preliminary evidence for the trophic properties and metabolic capacities of Bathyarchaeota. Further, the IndVal index, which reflects the level of relative abundance and frequency of occurrence, suggests that selective bathyarchaeotal subgroups are bio-indicator lineages in both freshwater and saline environments, as determined by a multivariate regression tree analysis (Filloletal.2016). Inagaki F, Nunoura T, Nakagawa S et al. (2015) presumed the syntrophy between Bathyarchaeota and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) toward anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) (Evansetal.2015). Furthermore, one new subgroup (Subgroup-23) was proposed in this study (Fig. Currently available bathyarchaeotal genomes (from GenBank, 29 November 2017 updated) with 16S rRNA gene sequences were labeled in the tree. We also highlighted the unique genomic features and potential adaptation strategies of estuarine archaea, pointing out major unknowns in the field and scope for future research. This was confirmed by a permutational analysis of variance, with salinity as the best explanatory variable for the variance within the bathyarchaeotal community (R2 = 0.04, P < 0.001) (Filloletal.2016). Methanogens and acetogenic Clostridia are the most frequent basal-branching archaea and bacteria, respectively, in phylogenetic reconstructions reflecting the descendants of the last universal common ancestor; gene categories proposed for the last universal common ancestor also point to the acetogenic and methanogenic roots, reflecting its autotrophic lifestyle as H2-dependent and N2-fixing, utilizing the WoodLjungdahl pathway and originating from a hydrothermal environmental setting (Weissetal.2016). However, because of the high intragroup diversity and potential heterogeneous metabolic properties and adaptive strategies within the bathyarchaeotal subgroups, investigation into the subgroup distribution patterns at a fine-sorted phylotype level was recommended. (Kuboetal.2012), and the outgroup sequences of Crenarchaeota, YNPFFA group and Korarchaeota were added. BA1 (Subgroup-3) genome contains many genes of the reductive acetyl-CoA (WoodLjungdahl) pathway and key genes of the methane metabolism pathway. Bathyarchaeotal 16S rRNA gene sequences were collected from SILVA SSU database version 128 (sequences of Bathyarchaeota and Group C3; >750 bp) and sequences from pervious publications (Kuboetal.2012; Lazaretal.2015; Filloletal.2016; Heetal.2016; Xiangetal.2017).

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